TurboTax News TurboTax is Accepting 2013 Tax Returns Now Read the Article Open Share Drawer Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to print (Opens in new window) Written by TurboTaxLisa Published Jan 2, 2014 - [Updated Mar 28, 2019] 2 min read You’ve probably already heard the news that the IRS is opening the 2014 tax filing season on January 31, 2014, but there’s no need to wait until then to file your 2013 taxes. Exciting news! TurboTax is accepting tax returns today so that you can be the first in line for your maximum tax refund. Here are 5 quick tips to help you get a jump-start on your tax refund: 1. Prepare and Organize Take time to gather your necessary paperwork, forms, receipts, and checklist for your 2013 taxes. TurboTax asks simple questions about you, but having your documents ready to go will save you time. Keep an empty folder next to where you keep your mail. When your W-2s and 1099s start to roll in you can keep them all together in one folder. 2. Remember What You Did in 2013 Our lives are busy, but don’t forget that your 2013 expenses related to your job search, day camp for the kids, charitable donations, and medical expenses to name a few, may help you get a bigger tax refund. Make sure you have those receipts in hand when you go online to prepare your taxes. 3. Take Advantage of One More Available Tax Deduction Even though it’s already 2014 there is still time to contribute to your IRA, putting more money in your nest egg and increasing your tax refund. You have up until the day you file your taxes to make a contribution for 2013 and lower your taxes. 4. Double Check Social Security Numbers Make sure you have your correct social security numbers before sitting down to file your taxes. Incorrect social security numbers for you, your spouse, and dependents will cause you to miss out on valuable tax deductions and credits. 5. Don’t wait to file. Last year about 75% of taxpayers received a tax refund and the average tax refund was close to $3,000, so there is no reason to wait! Previous Post Intuit TurboTax Releases TaxCaster iOS7 App! Next Post TurboTax launches TurboTax Health to Help You Understand Affordable Care… Written by Lisa Greene-Lewis Lisa has over 20 years of experience in tax preparation. Her success is attributed to being able to interpret tax laws and help clients better understand them. She has held positions as a public auditor, controller, and operations manager. Lisa has appeared on the Steve Harvey Show, the Ellen Show, and major news broadcast to break down tax laws and help taxpayers understand what tax laws mean to them. For Lisa, getting timely and accurate information out to taxpayers to help them keep more of their money is paramount. More from Lisa Greene-Lewis Follow Lisa Greene-Lewis on Twitter. 148 responses to “TurboTax is Accepting 2013 Tax Returns Now” Newer Comments » We had to replace heat pump and furnace in our home this past year. Can we get a deduction for replacing it? Reply hi! just want to ask if i will file tax return on the 31st when will i get my form 1040 or income tax return form? will i get it the day i filed it or how many days should i wait for it? im planning to go to hr&block. Reply For 2013 is there anything you can claim for moving expense when your home was foreclosed. Reply BS…..Ive made at least a half dozen attempts to begin my 2013 return, and it goes back to my 2012 return. It doesnt even have a selection icon for 2013. The website stopped me cold. Appears Ill have to wait until the 31st. Reply I am using Turbo Tax for the first time this year. Can I prepare them now? Will you automatically submit on Jan 31 or will I need to do anything to ensure they have been filed? Thank you Reply Hi Joy, Thanks for considering us! You can absolutely prepare them now with us and we will send you an email when your tax return is received by the IRS. Hope this helps! Thanks, Jen Reply Corrected email address…… Why can’t I log into the site ? I have used Turbo tax for the past 4 years? Reply How come I can’t log into the site? I have used Turbo tax for the last 4 years. Reply Do you have to wait for your W2 form if someone already filed for you last year? Reply I had gambling winnings in a state other than TX where and how do I claim that? It also states that I can claim my losses. What proof would I show for my losses? Reply I filed with your company last year. How can I get a duplicate of last years return as I have no idea where my original copy is. Reply I have the same request for 2011 and 2012 years Reply If it’s Turbo Tax they usually have the document available on the website. just look for the last filing statement when you do your taxes this tax season. Reply Hi. Question: I started receiving a monthly pay out of an annuity in 2013. They do not hold any taxes. Is this taxable and would it be included in my gross earning? Reply Id file anyway just to be on the safe side. Don’t give room for an audit…I wish Somebody would audit me…they might wind up paying me more. Reply Do I need my W-2 form to file if I have my last paycheck stub? Reply I would say not really. but Based on past experience I would wait for the W-2 and do it immediately. Sometimes you find out that you paid more on your W-2 than your last pay stub shows…I’m still trying to figure out how that works. “oh well” Reply Thank you Lisa very helpful!!! Reply If taxes are filed before January 31 how long does it typically take to recieve refund? Reply If you have direct deposit and you file you should have it in seven days,I did. Reply Direct deposit usually comes faster. but mailed checks sometimes have more…depends on your patience level. Reply checks by mail take longer than direct deposit. They could take a week or more opposed to 4+ days. Reply Also, I work for an Insurance Company “remotely” ..meaning I have a home office and work 100% from home. Can I deduct any portion of my household bills? Thank you! Reply In regard to Med/Dental expenses.. Can I deduct all expenses “incurred” in 2013 even if I didn’t PAY an expense until January 1, 2014? Reply in 2011 I inherited a roth account from my late Son. I did not now that I was suppose to pay taxes on it. The IRS billed me in 2013 for over 8000.00 and I paid it. Can I claim this as a deduction on this years taxes? Reply Ask a tax preparer. I wouldn’t even do my own taxes until I got some guidance from professional tax personnel. Reply none at present Reply I filed with your company last year …do the company auto file your taxes again with notifying u Reply Hi Isha, Not you would have to go online and file your taxes each year as you need to update your information and sign your tax return. TurboTax does make it easy for you when you come back since we already have some of your information that just needs to be updated. Don’t hesitate to get started on your taxes. TurboTax is accepting tax returns now. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply I had some issues with filing my 2012 taxes on turbo tax I was wondering if I can file my 2012 and 2013 taxes on turbo tax and what steps to follow Reply Hi Lisa Greene-Lewis, Year 2013 I was unemployment and I received Unemployment Benefit, also I was partial withdrawn 401 K. I would like to know what is the Taxes Form use, such as 1099 and should I use Tubo tax standard or else? Please advise. Thank you Patt Reply If you want to do your taxes yourself I would say go to a tax pro and ask questions for a little info and run with it if you feel like you can handle it… Reply Why did the costs go up? I have used this for years but I think I am going to look elsewhere this year. Might as well go back to HRB Reply I use turbo tax but this year is a little different i bought a house is there anything special i need to do? Reply Hi Sherisse, Congratulations on your home purchase. TurboTax will ask you questions related to your specific situation and life events and then prepare your taxes based on your answers. You will receive a 1098 from your lender that indicates your home mortgage interest paid, which is deductible. The 1098 may also indicate property taxes paid and points or loan origination fees paid to get the loan. Have this document in front of you as well as your closing statement which may also indicate property taxes and points paid. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply If you paid property tax for your haouse make sure you have the supporting documents to file…Turbo tax will ask you if you made property tax payments for the year. Reply I am unable to submit my return just yet because I need my electronic pin, does anyone know when this will be available via the IRS automated system or on their website. Reply I am intending to use Turbo tax (online version) Premier. Before I purchase I need to know if I can import my broker information on line. Be aware I am using an I pad with wi-fi. I know it can be done using a laptop or desktop as I have already used Turbo tax from a CD . I have a CD I purchased from my Turbo tax account Reply Hello, Can I claimed my 20 year daughter as a dependent on my tax returns even though she worked last year and she lives with me. She grossed under 8,000 last year. Reply I have the same question as Judy. I began receiving early Social Security in Sept. of 2013, and also have continued to work part-time since then. Last year, I filed using 1040EZ through Turbo Tax. Would like information on which tax form I should use to file my 2013 taxes (again with Turbo Tax) and if Social Security sends a special form to me to include on my tax form for this year. Reply What is the URL for TurboTax where a 100% disabled veteran would complete so the veteran gets both federal and state tax completed at no cost to the veteran? Reply Richard Collins, all the “free” editions of Turbo Tax that I have seen charge for State. You might check on the http://www.irs.gov site. I know they offer several E-file programs that are free, and with you being a 100% disabled Vet, there may be one available for you that the general public isn’t aware of. Good Luck to you and Thank you for your Service to this country! Reply Most tax preparers answer questions like that. get the info you need and do your thing/ Reply When do we have to have the insure is it 2013 tax or is it for 2014 I been try to file for insure since oct. When they came out and it kept tell me to try again I have call and try to get insure and I am still trying so what I am asking is do we paid the fine for 2013 or do we need it for 2014 .? Reply Hi Vada, You are required to purchase health insurance by March 31, 2014. You will be assessed a penalty on your 2014 taxes, which you will not pay until you file your 2014 taxes in 2015. It does not impact your 2013 taxes. Please see more information here http://blog-turbotax-intuit-com-develop.go-vip.co/2013/09/30/health-care-reform-and-your-taxes/ http://blog-turbotax-intuit-com-develop.go-vip.co/2013/10/25/affordable-care-act-update-enrollment-and-coverage-deadlines-clarified/ Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply how much in deductions do I need to file a long form? Reply I HAVE A SON THAT LIVES AT HOME WITH ME HE IS 26 YEARS OLD HAVENT HAD A JOB SINCE 2011 I DO TAKE CARE OF HIM AND MY DAUGHTER WHICH SHE IS IN COLLEGE FOR HER 2ND TERM BUT SHE HAD A BABY IN JUNE AND I TAKE CARE OF ALL CAN I CLAIM ALL THIS YEAR Reply Taxes Reply I have a daughter who is 16years old and she had a summer job this year. I don’t have her W2 yet but she probably didn’t make over $4000. How is the best way for her to file a tax refund because she is still my dependent and I will be claiming her own my tax return? I want to make sure that she is able to get most of her taxes back so please tell me what is the best way to help her? Reply Hi Renee, From my experience, my son files a 1040-EZ, I still claim him as a dependant and he still gets a refund. This year he used the federal free edition on turbo tax and only had to pay a small fee to file the state. Reply if someone owes you money but has said they will never pay you back, and its a sizeable sum, can you deduct it? Reply Love to hear this answer. Reply If my question is not addressed, I will go with another service Reply Stop Hi Mary, It may be deductible as a nonbusiness bad debt up to $3,000. You have to establish that you have taken steps to collect on the debt and that it is totally worthless. TurboTax will ask you the necessary questions to determine if you’re eligible to take the deduction. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply Of course you can’t deduct that. If you could, everyone in the world would be saying “somebody owes me a million dollars”. Reply It was a court order Sam Longfellow. I’m not that stupid. Do you treat everyone like they are stupid? Unpaid debts are deductible if there is a contract or court order. I just didn’t know where to enter the amount. I will I be eligible for 1st time home buyer credit if the house is through Habitat? Reply does a person get more back filing married or filing married seperate? Reply Hi I wanted to know why I can’t file uniform and union dues been on my job for 14years. Reply Hi Ruth, Union dues and uniforms are an eligible employee expense if not reimbursed by your employer, however there are two reasons why you may not get the deduction: 1. You have to be able to itemize your deductions. The only way you can itemize is if your itemized deductions are more than the standard tax deduction, which is $6,100 if you’re single for 2013. 2. Unreimbursed employee expenses must be more than 2% of your adjusted gross income. So, if you make $50,000 per year, your unreimbursed employee expenses must be more than $1,000 ($50,000 x 2%) and you have to have itemized deductions more than standard tax deductions. TurboTax accurately figures out which deductions and credits you’re eligible based on IRS tax laws. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply Hi I have been on my job for 14years and I wanted to know why I can’t file for union due -uniforms. Reply I receive unemployment for the year 2013 I did not work any of 2013, when I receive my unemployment tax form because I did not have any unemployment taken out can I file both years 2013 and 2014 together or do I just file 2013 unemployment by itself Reply My grandson who is 18 fulltime student moved in with me in June, he has no income can i claim him for half the year. I am his sole provider. Reply Yes you can claim him as a dependent. Reply Need work sheets to start my 2014 tax returns I filed my tax returns thru intuit last year Reply I have a 19 year old that does not live at home, and is not going to school and does not have a job. I still pay health insurance on him. I have a 21 year old that worked last year but made less than $7,500. He is going to school part time. I am able to claim both of my children? Reply I’m pretty sure that as long as they don’t file as independents you are safe to put them on yours. I am 18 and make about 18000 a year and I still file dependent on them… As long as you make sure they aren’t filing as independent you can claim them… Unless me and my parents are doing it wrong! But we didn’t get in trouble last year! Reply Must lived at your home for more than 6 months of the tax year and you must have provided more than half their total support for that same year. While they are your children they are adults and unless medical or military involvement is present with these two that should provide you your answer. Reply I did my tax last year on dec 30th and had my refund on February 7th, I used turbotax and I had the net spend card, so file early even if the irs opens on the 31st Reply Hi Nicole. What is a net spend car. How do I get one? Reply So it took you over a month to get your refund?? When you file online, the usual turnaround time to receive a refund from the IRS is about two weeks at most. What you write isn’t an incentive for anyone who wants their refund soon or even within the normal time. Reply considering the IRS doesn’t start to process till late January her taxes really only took a few weeks.l I did mine on Turbo tax in the middle of January and got my refund at the same time she did. Really worth it to do on line I think it does. If you wait till the 31st and file it may take a few days for the IRS to accept your return and another 14 days to get your money which puts you at mid to late February. They stated they got their return back on Feb 7th. Yes it technically took longer from the date of file but since it was already filled once they start accepting returns 7 days is a great turn around time. Silly, IRS doesnt accept refunds til the 31st, so getting it on Feb 7th is great incentive. She’s saying if u.file early u WILL get it faster than those waiting.g til the 31st. Make since? ;-P My mistake I filed my taxes on January 30th and I had my refund on Febuary 7th and I also have the net spend card. So I had my money in seven days and on my birthday. The IRS doesn’t start accepting returns until around the middle to end of January. The two week turnaround time is after your return is accepted by the IRS, not when you file with Turbo. Reply Does TurboTax include a form in the program to cover the question of whether or not I have signed up for health care? Reply Since the deadline to apply for a health plan under the Affordable Care Act isn’t until March 31, 2014, there won’t be a question or form regarding this requirement until we file for tax year 2014 in the spring of 2015. Reply Can you claim dental as a medical expense? Reply on the itemized deductions it says medical/dental expenses. Reply Is dental work deductable? Reply YES!!!!!!!!!!! Reply How much do we need in deductions to use the long form? Reply Do I fille with early retirement social secuity check? Reply I have most of my papers from last year. Exactly what papers will I need. I remember last the asked a security ? To send efile and it was something to do with previous year taxes. Also, as I recall fed is free and state costs. If u pay then its cheaper, so how much will it be do I can be prepared as soon as I get my w2s. Thanks! Reply NICE BLOG……… I LIKE THIS BLOGG………………….:):) Reply me too….good questions Reply I am in my fourth year of college and I have claimed four years of American Opportunity Credit is there any other help I can get??? Reply Check out the Lifetime Learning Credit. Reply Newer Comments » Leave a ReplyCancel reply Browse Related Articles Self-Employed Meet Moira Tax Planning TurboTax Enables Refund Advance to Taxpayers Investments Tax Benefits of Real Estate Investing Self-Employed Business Tax Checklist: What You’ll Need When Filing Uncategorized What Is Deferred Compensation & How Is It Taxed? 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We had to replace heat pump and furnace in our home this past year. Can we get a deduction for replacing it? Reply
hi! just want to ask if i will file tax return on the 31st when will i get my form 1040 or income tax return form? will i get it the day i filed it or how many days should i wait for it? im planning to go to hr&block. Reply
BS…..Ive made at least a half dozen attempts to begin my 2013 return, and it goes back to my 2012 return. It doesnt even have a selection icon for 2013. The website stopped me cold. Appears Ill have to wait until the 31st. Reply
I am using Turbo Tax for the first time this year. Can I prepare them now? Will you automatically submit on Jan 31 or will I need to do anything to ensure they have been filed? Thank you Reply
Hi Joy, Thanks for considering us! You can absolutely prepare them now with us and we will send you an email when your tax return is received by the IRS. Hope this helps! Thanks, Jen Reply
Corrected email address…… Why can’t I log into the site ? I have used Turbo tax for the past 4 years? Reply
I had gambling winnings in a state other than TX where and how do I claim that? It also states that I can claim my losses. What proof would I show for my losses? Reply
I filed with your company last year. How can I get a duplicate of last years return as I have no idea where my original copy is. Reply
If it’s Turbo Tax they usually have the document available on the website. just look for the last filing statement when you do your taxes this tax season. Reply
Hi. Question: I started receiving a monthly pay out of an annuity in 2013. They do not hold any taxes. Is this taxable and would it be included in my gross earning? Reply
Id file anyway just to be on the safe side. Don’t give room for an audit…I wish Somebody would audit me…they might wind up paying me more. Reply
I would say not really. but Based on past experience I would wait for the W-2 and do it immediately. Sometimes you find out that you paid more on your W-2 than your last pay stub shows…I’m still trying to figure out how that works. “oh well” Reply
Direct deposit usually comes faster. but mailed checks sometimes have more…depends on your patience level. Reply
checks by mail take longer than direct deposit. They could take a week or more opposed to 4+ days. Reply
Also, I work for an Insurance Company “remotely” ..meaning I have a home office and work 100% from home. Can I deduct any portion of my household bills? Thank you! Reply
In regard to Med/Dental expenses.. Can I deduct all expenses “incurred” in 2013 even if I didn’t PAY an expense until January 1, 2014? Reply
in 2011 I inherited a roth account from my late Son. I did not now that I was suppose to pay taxes on it. The IRS billed me in 2013 for over 8000.00 and I paid it. Can I claim this as a deduction on this years taxes? Reply
Ask a tax preparer. I wouldn’t even do my own taxes until I got some guidance from professional tax personnel. Reply
I filed with your company last year …do the company auto file your taxes again with notifying u Reply
Hi Isha, Not you would have to go online and file your taxes each year as you need to update your information and sign your tax return. TurboTax does make it easy for you when you come back since we already have some of your information that just needs to be updated. Don’t hesitate to get started on your taxes. TurboTax is accepting tax returns now. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply
I had some issues with filing my 2012 taxes on turbo tax I was wondering if I can file my 2012 and 2013 taxes on turbo tax and what steps to follow Reply
Hi Lisa Greene-Lewis, Year 2013 I was unemployment and I received Unemployment Benefit, also I was partial withdrawn 401 K. I would like to know what is the Taxes Form use, such as 1099 and should I use Tubo tax standard or else? Please advise. Thank you Patt Reply
If you want to do your taxes yourself I would say go to a tax pro and ask questions for a little info and run with it if you feel like you can handle it… Reply
Why did the costs go up? I have used this for years but I think I am going to look elsewhere this year. Might as well go back to HRB Reply
I use turbo tax but this year is a little different i bought a house is there anything special i need to do? Reply
Hi Sherisse, Congratulations on your home purchase. TurboTax will ask you questions related to your specific situation and life events and then prepare your taxes based on your answers. You will receive a 1098 from your lender that indicates your home mortgage interest paid, which is deductible. The 1098 may also indicate property taxes paid and points or loan origination fees paid to get the loan. Have this document in front of you as well as your closing statement which may also indicate property taxes and points paid. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply
If you paid property tax for your haouse make sure you have the supporting documents to file…Turbo tax will ask you if you made property tax payments for the year. Reply
I am unable to submit my return just yet because I need my electronic pin, does anyone know when this will be available via the IRS automated system or on their website. Reply
I am intending to use Turbo tax (online version) Premier. Before I purchase I need to know if I can import my broker information on line. Be aware I am using an I pad with wi-fi. I know it can be done using a laptop or desktop as I have already used Turbo tax from a CD . I have a CD I purchased from my Turbo tax account Reply
Hello, Can I claimed my 20 year daughter as a dependent on my tax returns even though she worked last year and she lives with me. She grossed under 8,000 last year. Reply
I have the same question as Judy. I began receiving early Social Security in Sept. of 2013, and also have continued to work part-time since then. Last year, I filed using 1040EZ through Turbo Tax. Would like information on which tax form I should use to file my 2013 taxes (again with Turbo Tax) and if Social Security sends a special form to me to include on my tax form for this year. Reply
What is the URL for TurboTax where a 100% disabled veteran would complete so the veteran gets both federal and state tax completed at no cost to the veteran? Reply
Richard Collins, all the “free” editions of Turbo Tax that I have seen charge for State. You might check on the http://www.irs.gov site. I know they offer several E-file programs that are free, and with you being a 100% disabled Vet, there may be one available for you that the general public isn’t aware of. Good Luck to you and Thank you for your Service to this country! Reply
When do we have to have the insure is it 2013 tax or is it for 2014 I been try to file for insure since oct. When they came out and it kept tell me to try again I have call and try to get insure and I am still trying so what I am asking is do we paid the fine for 2013 or do we need it for 2014 .? Reply
Hi Vada, You are required to purchase health insurance by March 31, 2014. You will be assessed a penalty on your 2014 taxes, which you will not pay until you file your 2014 taxes in 2015. It does not impact your 2013 taxes. Please see more information here http://blog-turbotax-intuit-com-develop.go-vip.co/2013/09/30/health-care-reform-and-your-taxes/ http://blog-turbotax-intuit-com-develop.go-vip.co/2013/10/25/affordable-care-act-update-enrollment-and-coverage-deadlines-clarified/ Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply
I have a daughter who is 16years old and she had a summer job this year. I don’t have her W2 yet but she probably didn’t make over $4000. How is the best way for her to file a tax refund because she is still my dependent and I will be claiming her own my tax return? I want to make sure that she is able to get most of her taxes back so please tell me what is the best way to help her? Reply
Hi Renee, From my experience, my son files a 1040-EZ, I still claim him as a dependant and he still gets a refund. This year he used the federal free edition on turbo tax and only had to pay a small fee to file the state. Reply
if someone owes you money but has said they will never pay you back, and its a sizeable sum, can you deduct it? Reply
Hi Mary, It may be deductible as a nonbusiness bad debt up to $3,000. You have to establish that you have taken steps to collect on the debt and that it is totally worthless. TurboTax will ask you the necessary questions to determine if you’re eligible to take the deduction. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply
Of course you can’t deduct that. If you could, everyone in the world would be saying “somebody owes me a million dollars”. Reply
It was a court order Sam Longfellow. I’m not that stupid. Do you treat everyone like they are stupid? Unpaid debts are deductible if there is a contract or court order. I just didn’t know where to enter the amount.
Hi Ruth, Union dues and uniforms are an eligible employee expense if not reimbursed by your employer, however there are two reasons why you may not get the deduction: 1. You have to be able to itemize your deductions. The only way you can itemize is if your itemized deductions are more than the standard tax deduction, which is $6,100 if you’re single for 2013. 2. Unreimbursed employee expenses must be more than 2% of your adjusted gross income. So, if you make $50,000 per year, your unreimbursed employee expenses must be more than $1,000 ($50,000 x 2%) and you have to have itemized deductions more than standard tax deductions. TurboTax accurately figures out which deductions and credits you’re eligible based on IRS tax laws. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply
Hi I have been on my job for 14years and I wanted to know why I can’t file for union due -uniforms. Reply
I receive unemployment for the year 2013 I did not work any of 2013, when I receive my unemployment tax form because I did not have any unemployment taken out can I file both years 2013 and 2014 together or do I just file 2013 unemployment by itself Reply
My grandson who is 18 fulltime student moved in with me in June, he has no income can i claim him for half the year. I am his sole provider. Reply
I have a 19 year old that does not live at home, and is not going to school and does not have a job. I still pay health insurance on him. I have a 21 year old that worked last year but made less than $7,500. He is going to school part time. I am able to claim both of my children? Reply
I’m pretty sure that as long as they don’t file as independents you are safe to put them on yours. I am 18 and make about 18000 a year and I still file dependent on them… As long as you make sure they aren’t filing as independent you can claim them… Unless me and my parents are doing it wrong! But we didn’t get in trouble last year! Reply
Must lived at your home for more than 6 months of the tax year and you must have provided more than half their total support for that same year. While they are your children they are adults and unless medical or military involvement is present with these two that should provide you your answer. Reply
I did my tax last year on dec 30th and had my refund on February 7th, I used turbotax and I had the net spend card, so file early even if the irs opens on the 31st Reply
So it took you over a month to get your refund?? When you file online, the usual turnaround time to receive a refund from the IRS is about two weeks at most. What you write isn’t an incentive for anyone who wants their refund soon or even within the normal time. Reply
considering the IRS doesn’t start to process till late January her taxes really only took a few weeks.l I did mine on Turbo tax in the middle of January and got my refund at the same time she did. Really worth it to do on line
I think it does. If you wait till the 31st and file it may take a few days for the IRS to accept your return and another 14 days to get your money which puts you at mid to late February. They stated they got their return back on Feb 7th. Yes it technically took longer from the date of file but since it was already filled once they start accepting returns 7 days is a great turn around time.
Silly, IRS doesnt accept refunds til the 31st, so getting it on Feb 7th is great incentive. She’s saying if u.file early u WILL get it faster than those waiting.g til the 31st. Make since? ;-P
My mistake I filed my taxes on January 30th and I had my refund on Febuary 7th and I also have the net spend card. So I had my money in seven days and on my birthday.
The IRS doesn’t start accepting returns until around the middle to end of January. The two week turnaround time is after your return is accepted by the IRS, not when you file with Turbo. Reply
Does TurboTax include a form in the program to cover the question of whether or not I have signed up for health care? Reply
Since the deadline to apply for a health plan under the Affordable Care Act isn’t until March 31, 2014, there won’t be a question or form regarding this requirement until we file for tax year 2014 in the spring of 2015. Reply
I have most of my papers from last year. Exactly what papers will I need. I remember last the asked a security ? To send efile and it was something to do with previous year taxes. Also, as I recall fed is free and state costs. If u pay then its cheaper, so how much will it be do I can be prepared as soon as I get my w2s. Thanks! Reply
I am in my fourth year of college and I have claimed four years of American Opportunity Credit is there any other help I can get??? Reply