Tax Refunds TurboTax AnswerXchange Question of the Month: When Will I Get My IRS Tax Refund? Read the Article Open Share Drawer Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to print (Opens in new window) Written by TurboTaxLisa Published Jan 30, 2015 1 min read E-file is officially open and many taxpayers who have already filed are now awaiting their much-anticipated tax refunds. For some filers, tax refunds are their biggest paychecks of the year, so it’s no surprise that “When will my tax refund arrive?” has become a hot topic on the TurboTax AnswerXchange, our online tax question and answer community. If you’re one of these recent filers, read on to find out when you can expect your tax refund. Haven’t filed your taxes yet? No problem! You can get started with TurboTax today. Q: When will I get my IRS tax refund? A: Before you find out when you’ll receive your tax refund, you should make sure that your federal tax return has been received. You can begin checking status of your e-filed tax return 24 to 48 hours after e-file. The IRS asks you wait 4 weeks before checking your refund status using Where’s My Refund? if you filed through the mail. The IRS Where’s My Refund tool will show “Return Received” status once they begin processing your tax return. You will receive a personalized refund date once your tax return is processed and your tax refund is approved. Last year, 9 out of 10 e-filers received their IRS tax refund in less than 21 days, and we expect the same this year. For paper-filers, the process does take more time. Learn more about the ins and outs of receiving your tax refund at the TurboTax AnswerXchange and discover more answers to trending questions from TurboTax support experts and customers like you. Previous Post An Apology to Our TurboTax Desktop Customers Next Post First Time Filer? 4 Tax Tips to Get Your Biggest… Written by Lisa Greene-Lewis Lisa has over 20 years of experience in tax preparation. Her success is attributed to being able to interpret tax laws and help clients better understand them. She has held positions as a public auditor, controller, and operations manager. Lisa has appeared on the Steve Harvey Show, the Ellen Show, and major news broadcast to break down tax laws and help taxpayers understand what tax laws mean to them. For Lisa, getting timely and accurate information out to taxpayers to help them keep more of their money is paramount. More from Lisa Greene-Lewis Follow Lisa Greene-Lewis on Twitter. 99 responses to “TurboTax AnswerXchange Question of the Month: When Will I Get My IRS Tax Refund?” Newer Comments » Never had issues with getting a refund until this year. Filed and accepted Feb 18th. It’s now March 31st and nothing…May be time to use a different filing process next year. I have heard many complaints this year about turbo tax. Reply I used TaxSlayer and am going through the same situation. First year this has ever happened. Reply My tax return was accepted March 12, 2015. Turbo tax said the irs sent my deposit the 25th of March. Why hasn’t it showed in my bank yet. My bank even says they don’t care the pending transaction. I really need answers. Reply My return was accepred 1/21. And its now Mrch 27…the site says still processing…I vall and CANNOT reach a human being….where oh where is my refund???its now over 60 days….ridiculous….I will never use Turbo again Reply I filed feb13 , got accepted on the 14 its now march 27th and its still beinq processed. I called everyday and only got thru twice. They keep saying since this my first time i gotta wait longer but Damn. I have not gotten an letter or no error message or nothing …. help Reply i filed using turbo tax and highly disappointed i not only paid for electronic returns but i did not get electronic returns its been since feb 12 since i filed have no monies from the feds yet i feel that turbo tax owes me a refund cause the irs sent me a check and im having trouble cashing it . i went to the irs and showed my id for my federal still no money its been three weeks somebody please help me i lost my job and IMBROKE…….. Reply THE STATE SENT THEIT LITTLE CHECK NO FEDERAL REFUND AS OF YET STRESSED Reply i filed my taxes on feb 12 2015 i called talk to a live rep and ask where is my refund i was randomly selected had to go in the irs office show id and was told you will get a letter in the mail i need my money i am homeless lost my job what do i do im going in sane the the state gave me the little money how long will it take. Reply Hi Lisa I filed my taxes March 13 2015 and has been accepted just wondering how long will it take it to go into my bank account Reply I just received a letter from Irs to confirm identify right at 3 weeks since filing. How long after I confirmed my identity through there website will I receive my refund. Usally???? Reply I filed electronically with turbo tax accepted on feb 18 but still processing. Phoned irs explained goes through check and failed but will not tell why. Can take now until 4/24. But turbo tax had everything fine through checks any suggestions on what to expect? Or anything should be doing? Reply Lisa, i filed my taxes on 2/2 was accepted on 2/3/15 called number after 21 days told me my case would be under reveiw and after verify my id. Ima told ill recieve my refund within 6to8 weeks does it ussually take the whole amount of time given ? Cause would leave date around 15thof april Reply Good luck guys,see ya’ll same time next year Reply *Update*……I got my money, hang in there it coming, it came a day early supposed to get it on 18 it showed in my bank this I didn’t get a expend card Reply I received a 4464c letter then an cp05 letter stating my taxes were under review. When I check my transcript it has to 570 codes one dates 3/16/2015 and the other 3/30/15. With no amount owe beside them just $0.00! I call the irs & was was ask to make a pin. Then I checked my account through the automated system and it’s said that my amount was credited on 4/15/2015. What does this means? Reply I received a 4464c letter then an cp05 letter stating my taxes were under review. When I check my transcript it has to 570 codes one dates 3/16/2015 and the other 3/30/15. With no amount owe beside them just $0.00! I call the irs & was was ask to make a pin. Then I checked my account through the automated system and it’s said that my amount was credited on 4/15/2015. What does this means? Reply I filed my taxes feb 6th it’s now March 17th and I still have not recieved my tax refund.. Turbo tax sent an email that they were accepted and when I check my refund status on the irs website it says still being processed it’s been 6 weeks ????? I’m starting to get concerned here! What do I need to do to get my refund??? It’s urgent Reply Hi Josiah, Since it has been more than 21 business days you can call the IRS and check status on your tax refund. You may experience long wait times so try and call when they first open at 7 am. The number is 1(800)829-1040. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply Hi Lisa josiah again.. I work from 6:30-3:30 m-f is there any other way to take care of this? Does this mean something is wrong? My girlfriend filed hers the same day and recieved hers in a week. I finally received a letter from irs stating I needed to fill out a form 8962 due to my health insurance market place. Reply Hi Vanessa, If you already filed and your tax return was accepted, here are the steps you need to follow Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis If you filed and it’s been 21 days no refund your file is under review as I found out and I was told it will take between 6-8 weeks for them to approve it and send it out. Ridiculous. Reply What will happen after your 6-8 weeks are up? Will they just send u ur refund? Basically your at the mercy of the IRS. It should say 9 out 10 people get there refund in 4 to 6 months. Waited 4 weeks then sent me letter to vedify identify. Now have to wait another 2 months for what another excuse not to pay me my refund… Everyone needs to claim more depends to get more from the check instead of waiting for refund. I have waited the 6-8 weeks since it was first ACCEPTED by them (which was 10 days after IRS site and Turbo Tax sent/said Accepted) and that I would now have to wait another 21 days from then (February 16th). Today is March 26, 2014 and NOTHING. I filed mine jan 25 and was except one 25 still when I check it says still processing something is wrong with this picture Reply Lisa, my refund is set to go into my bank account from the irs tomorrow. How long does it take from there for TurboTax to give me my refund after the fees are taken out? Kelly Reply Hi Kelly, The IRS sends your refund to the bank and the bank deposits your refund into your account. It depends on your bank, but the bank can take up to 5 days to post it to your account. If you paid your fees through refund transfer the IRS sends your refund to SBBT bank who then sends your refund directly to your bank. Here is more info Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply I used Turbo Tax for almost 3year, never had a problem until this year…and It WILL be the last time,….I filed taxes Feb.10.2015 and they received it Feb.11.2015…on Feb.20, I receive letter for further review on my account….further review, what? On something that insured me of highest and most accurate,….anyway, I called, just make sure everything right, to give them 60day from the letter…..I was done……i feel a turbo tax rep. or the ower, need to, for there business sake, figure out what’s the problem, and should be contacting the irs, do to the complaints…..on top of that you have us speak with agents, who’s answer half question,…and not explain,exactly what, great customer won’t to know….like, why is most the percentage of held refund, was filed though turbo? Is it TurboTax? Cause everyone I know that went to other received, but everyone that went to TurboTax have not? Really don’t care about no-one elses…I just won’t my money, or kick it out so I can go somewhere else, where I won’t have to worry, at all….So again….where’s my money?????? I will share this with everyone.. Reply Very well said Reply Shay I’m having the same problem and I should’nt have to wait 8 to 12 weeks to receive my own hard working money, turbo tax will never be used by me again.. Reply This is my first year filing and I am a little confused as to how this works. I filed single and my taxes were accepted on February 24th. The end of my 21 days will be on March 17th. It still hasn’t said my taxes were approved yet it still says it’s accepted should I be worried? I chose direct deposit does that mean my taxes will be deposited on March 17th the last day of my 21 days? I only have 3 more days until my 21 days is up please help! Reply This is my first year filing and I am a little confused as to how this works. I filed single and my taxes were accepted on February 24th. The end of my 21 days will be on March 17th. It still hasn’t said my taxes were approved yet should I be worried? I chose direct deposit does that mean my taxes will be deposited on March 17th the last day of my 21 days? Please help! Reply Hello I filed my taxes via turbo tax back sometime between January 1-10 & there was a glitch and it wouldn’t allow me to file via efile so I had to print it out and mail it in. I still haven’t recorved anythjng and I’m freaking out. I thought about printing it out again and mailing it in but didn’t know if that would be a good idea. I thought it was weird I already received my state check but everytime I go online to check it says they don’t have any info on it yet it still hasn’t been 4-6 weeks. Ugh what do I do?! Reply hey TurboTax Lisa what is a number I can call the IRS to talk to a real person Reply this is the last time I will ever use TurboTax Turbo Tax is a joke. when I was with H&R Block last year they got my refund done and I got it withiN 2 weeks. I wish there was some way I could get my money back from turbo tax because this is garbage. does anybody know the number to talk to a live person about my tax refund. Reply When received a 4464c later and when I call the irs and listen my summary it says my tax refund amount then states it was credit on April 15, 2015. Does that mean that’s the date i receive my refund? Because when I check my transcripts the code for 570 is $0.00 Reply filed on turbo tax febuary 3 2015 still no refund yet… whats going on Reply I filed and was accepted by irs on 2.1.2015. I still have not received anything, no letter no email. Now turbo tax sent me a email saying at had to pay them 35 dollars for filing my taxes. I still haven’t gotten my refund.. it’s never taken this long. It’s very frustrating because everywhere I call I get machines. I need an update. Won’t pay until I get my money as its not fair… Reply I have applied since Feb 8th, 2015 and my status shows as still in process from day one. Today is March the 10th and I am not able to talk to anyone either with the IRS or Turbo tax. What is going on? this is the first time this happens to me, I need a response. I am over a month and the limit is 21 days. Reply Ok. Where is my refund? Where is my paperwork? I e-filed with Turbo Tax on 02/06/2015. Waited the 21 days. Called IRS. They said they didn’t get it until 02/16/2015. Why is that if Turbo Tax and IRS site both said received 02/06/2015? My sister did hers a week later and did NOT do DD, but received a check for her refund already in the mail. We both live at same address and both moved. So what IS the problem exactly? Should I cancel my TUBRO TAX filing from 02/06/2015 and start over??? Reply Hi Cindy, No you shouldn’t cancel. If you cancel and resubmit another return the IRS will show that they received a duplicate tax return and reject the second one. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply Received is not the same as accepted. Reply Let me clarify that both sites said ACCEPTED and an e-mail said ACCEPTED. Nothing would say only received for over 48 hours without my knowing there was a glitch. Um……. Wheres my refund Reply I filed and was accepted on 2/1/15 , where’s my refund say still processing as of 2/23/15 so I call to see what’s going on I was told im under further review to wait 6-8 I try to get transcripts online the message said call the identity protection specialist unit .I was able to get threw on 2/25/15 I explained to the agent I was directed to call the center for possible identity theft so she asked me questiions only i would know when i answered correctly she responded she didn’t see anything so I asked her whats the hold up, she says she doesn’t see anything to give it an additional 5 weeks so I hang up…now my mind going all over the place I need my money so I call back couldn’t get threw until 2/26/15 and I explained to the agent I was backed up in bills so she referred me to an tax advocate she said someone will contact me in7 to 10 days what… now I wait….well my advocate called me the next day told me to fax proof of hardship this is on 2-27-15 so I faxed all documents on 3-3-15 called her let her no i faxed papers she confirmed she got it then says she’ll give me a call by 3-25-15.I need to know will it take that long to get my money? Reply May I ask which phone # did u call to speak to a live person? I just keep getting the automated message at 800-829-1040 Reply Can someone please tell me what’s going on.where’s my refund said your return is still being processed a date will be available….for 3 weeks now its saying we have recieved your tax refund and it is being processed.Should I have a Ddd soon. 1800-829-1040 try calling between 7-10 am .I usually take 15-45 minutes Reply I have a direct deposit date 3-18-15 my question is will I recieve my refund before the 18.after waiting for over a month filed February 1 2015. I have a ddd hang in there Reply It will take at least 1-2 more months after the Tax Advocate Program takes over your approved case. These people are your only hope to getting your refund before Christmas 2015. I was ID thief victim last year, they helped me get my money and this year after talking to them, the Advocate program representative stated that IRS tag and hold up your refund for 3 yrs after the original reporting of ID thief of SS#. So after meeting the Advocate program criteria qualifying for help, I have them in my corner to help me get my money back sooner than Halloween or Thanksgiving this year. Thank Heaven for the Tax Advocate Program!. Thank you very much. Reply This is to Lisa. As previously stated I found out my tax refund was being delayed due to my bankruptcy. Well my original Trustee passed away,so a new one took over. After reviewing my return,they said they’re not entitled to any of my return &that they would amend my bankruptcy to a no asset. She said once they get the check they’d send it all to me. The question is when will That be? The irs takes 30 days to send info to Trustee. they said it was sent Feb 13th Reply I filed on January 30th and was told I should expect my refund on February 20th, I still have not received anything. The IRS where’s my refund site still just says that it is being processed. I have never had this problem before, I will never be using Turbo Tax again unless I can get some answers from someone. Reply Hi Erik, Per the site the IRS works hard to issue refunds as quickly as possible, but some tax returns take longer to process than others for many reasons, including when a return: – includes errors, – is incomplete, – needs further review, – is impacted by identity theft or fraud, – includes Form 8379, Injured Spouse Allocation, – missing information necessary to properly calculate the Affordable Care Act premium tax credit Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply Its not the Turbo Tax, its the IRS, if you had involved in a business organization ID thief data breach, your ID may be tagged by IRS as possible thief issue. You need to contact the IRS and the Tax Advocate program for help. Good luck. Reply I filed for my taxes Feb 18th it was accepted then Feb 24th I’m told I have to identify myself in the irs office which I did just to find out someone stole my identity what should I do what can be done when will I receive my refund? Reply I filed and was accepted Jan 20th, that’s over 40 days ago and STILL haven’t gotten my refund. The IRS is no help and neither is TurboTax. Reply Can anyone help me with any helpful hints on when i will receieve my refund. I filed on Feb. 10th and still nothing. At first it was saying estimated date of March 5th, but 3 days ago that message dissappeared. Reply Filed on 2/3 no word on mine, same status just accepted.. hoping this site is not fraudulent they had some problems .. have the answered anyone? Reply I too had filed on the 7th of Feburary and have still seen nothing. I have used TurboTax for several years and always file during the same two week period ( Last week of Jan or first week of Feb). This has never taken so long???????? Reply I Filed On Jan 28th, My Return Got Accepted On Jan 30th And Im Still Waiting On My Return. I Tried Using The Where’s My Refund Tool & It Saying My Return Is Still Being Processed. I Called The IRS Several Times & I Can’t Get Thru To Anyone. I Just Want My Money. I Will Never Use Turbo Tax Again!!! Reply I filed my taxes on Jan. 29, 2015. My taxes were accepted 30 minutes later. A week after, my wmr bars were gone. I finally get a letter in the mail on February 28th saying that I need to verify my identity. I called this morning March 2, verified it was me and now have to wait up to another 6 weeks for my return. 🙁 Reply I efiled on 2/13/15 and it was accepted the same day. I received my state 3 days later DD but my federal is no where to be found. When I check Where’s my Refund it says its still being processed. my 21 days is up on the 6th and I’m freaking out because people have filed WAY after me and already got theirs. And everyones comments i’ve been reading looks like they are in the same boat. Please help me! I will never use TurboTax again if this is the problem. Reply i filed my taxes in the biggining of January and I didn’t receive yet a confirmation from them ! I would like to know what’s happening !! Reply I filed my return on February 2 and it is now February 26 and I have not received my refund! I need some answers or I will never use TurboTax again! Reply Feel same way still waiting on mine Reply I filed Feb 8, and efiled for a direct deposit, Finally got a message on wmr that I am being mailed a check on March 3rd. IRS and Turbo Tax did not tell me why I was not getting a direct Deposit like I requested. I got my state tax refund within 6 days. Be patient, I think the irs is understaffed. At least I know I’m not alone. I’ve been using turbo tax for 5 years and never had this problem. I filed on Feb 2nd, it was accepted Feb 4th. I got my state refund on Feb 10th but still have not gotten my federal refund. A month later! I have called turbo tax CS twice and they are harder to talk to them my 6 year old son! Frustrated!! Reply I did the same thing and I don’t have my refund either. Received the state refund, but because the IRS had more strict ID thief guidelines on the processing software, your refund is possible on ID thief tagged, especially if you have past record of that or have been recently involved in data breach of business lately. Good luck, Call the IRS Tax Advocate program, but has to show desperate need of eviction, utility shut off ,medication that Medicare/Mediacaid will not pay for to qualify for program. Reply I e filed on Feb 8th 2015 and I still have not received my refund. It has never taken this long to receive my refund. I did my parents taxes on Feb 11 and they got their refund deposited today, where’s my refund. Reply I filed my taxes on the 8th of February,I have not got confirmation from the irs yet, why, and when will I receive my refund?? Reply I filed on January 27th & it’s been over 3weeks my friend filed 2 days after me and got his a week later where’s my hard earned money Reply i filed my taxes in the biggining of January and I didn’t receive yet a confirmation from them ! I would like to know what’s happening !! Reply My return was accepted Jan 28 but I have not seen any change since then. I also filed HoH instead of Married this year which is different from the past few years due to separation, could this be why? Reply I did my taxes on the 4th it has been received by the IRS but It still hasn’t been processed is there a hold on the process Reply My refund was excepted on January 12, 2015 I never got a due date and I am still waiting for my refund every time I try to call the IRS I get nothing I am getting a little irritated now I have a due date of the 10th which is tomorrow I am going to say it’s probably not going to be on Reply I filed on the 20th i was given a date on the 3rd to recieve my fefunds but now it says the 10th…..i don’t understand Reply I got a dd date of feb 9,2015, just waiting on my card in the mail. I didnt get penalized for not having health insurance suprisingly. My daughter had health insurance so i didnt have to pay since she had it i guess, woo hoo ! Reply you filed wrong. You should of been fined Reply Well he may not have filed wrong. I was ready to see the penalty myself, however, based on my situation, I qualified for 1 of several exemptions to the ACA. This was a nice suprise. So, he probably did also. I never got my 2013 tax refund. I talked to the IRS and they wanted to verified that it was me and I did that and still waiting. Reply If you have no health insurance and you pay the penalty but you just recently applied for health insurance through the market place and the irs has your money frozen is it because I didn’tfile my taxes with 1095-A form and the 8962 form from the irs ? Reply Newer Comments » Leave a ReplyCancel reply Browse Related Articles Self-Employed Meet Moira Tax Planning TurboTax Enables Refund Advance to Taxpayers Investments Tax Benefits of Real Estate Investing Self-Employed Business Tax Checklist: What You’ll Need When Filing Uncategorized What Is Deferred Compensation & How Is It Taxed? Investments How Does an Inherited IRA Work? Work Choosing Your Business Structure: 5 Types of Businesses to Consider Tax Deductions and Credits Are HOA Fees Tax Deductible? 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Never had issues with getting a refund until this year. Filed and accepted Feb 18th. It’s now March 31st and nothing…May be time to use a different filing process next year. I have heard many complaints this year about turbo tax. Reply
My tax return was accepted March 12, 2015. Turbo tax said the irs sent my deposit the 25th of March. Why hasn’t it showed in my bank yet. My bank even says they don’t care the pending transaction. I really need answers. Reply
My return was accepred 1/21. And its now Mrch 27…the site says still processing…I vall and CANNOT reach a human being….where oh where is my refund???its now over 60 days….ridiculous….I will never use Turbo again Reply
I filed feb13 , got accepted on the 14 its now march 27th and its still beinq processed. I called everyday and only got thru twice. They keep saying since this my first time i gotta wait longer but Damn. I have not gotten an letter or no error message or nothing …. help Reply
i filed using turbo tax and highly disappointed i not only paid for electronic returns but i did not get electronic returns its been since feb 12 since i filed have no monies from the feds yet i feel that turbo tax owes me a refund cause the irs sent me a check and im having trouble cashing it . i went to the irs and showed my id for my federal still no money its been three weeks somebody please help me i lost my job and IMBROKE…….. Reply
i filed my taxes on feb 12 2015 i called talk to a live rep and ask where is my refund i was randomly selected had to go in the irs office show id and was told you will get a letter in the mail i need my money i am homeless lost my job what do i do im going in sane the the state gave me the little money how long will it take. Reply
Hi Lisa I filed my taxes March 13 2015 and has been accepted just wondering how long will it take it to go into my bank account Reply
I just received a letter from Irs to confirm identify right at 3 weeks since filing. How long after I confirmed my identity through there website will I receive my refund. Usally???? Reply
I filed electronically with turbo tax accepted on feb 18 but still processing. Phoned irs explained goes through check and failed but will not tell why. Can take now until 4/24. But turbo tax had everything fine through checks any suggestions on what to expect? Or anything should be doing? Reply
Lisa, i filed my taxes on 2/2 was accepted on 2/3/15 called number after 21 days told me my case would be under reveiw and after verify my id. Ima told ill recieve my refund within 6to8 weeks does it ussually take the whole amount of time given ? Cause would leave date around 15thof april Reply
*Update*……I got my money, hang in there it coming, it came a day early supposed to get it on 18 it showed in my bank this I didn’t get a expend card Reply
I received a 4464c letter then an cp05 letter stating my taxes were under review. When I check my transcript it has to 570 codes one dates 3/16/2015 and the other 3/30/15. With no amount owe beside them just $0.00! I call the irs & was was ask to make a pin. Then I checked my account through the automated system and it’s said that my amount was credited on 4/15/2015. What does this means? Reply
I received a 4464c letter then an cp05 letter stating my taxes were under review. When I check my transcript it has to 570 codes one dates 3/16/2015 and the other 3/30/15. With no amount owe beside them just $0.00! I call the irs & was was ask to make a pin. Then I checked my account through the automated system and it’s said that my amount was credited on 4/15/2015. What does this means? Reply
I filed my taxes feb 6th it’s now March 17th and I still have not recieved my tax refund.. Turbo tax sent an email that they were accepted and when I check my refund status on the irs website it says still being processed it’s been 6 weeks ????? I’m starting to get concerned here! What do I need to do to get my refund??? It’s urgent Reply
Hi Josiah, Since it has been more than 21 business days you can call the IRS and check status on your tax refund. You may experience long wait times so try and call when they first open at 7 am. The number is 1(800)829-1040. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply
Hi Lisa josiah again.. I work from 6:30-3:30 m-f is there any other way to take care of this? Does this mean something is wrong? My girlfriend filed hers the same day and recieved hers in a week.
I finally received a letter from irs stating I needed to fill out a form 8962 due to my health insurance market place. Reply
Hi Vanessa, If you already filed and your tax return was accepted, here are the steps you need to follow Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis
If you filed and it’s been 21 days no refund your file is under review as I found out and I was told it will take between 6-8 weeks for them to approve it and send it out. Ridiculous. Reply
Basically your at the mercy of the IRS. It should say 9 out 10 people get there refund in 4 to 6 months. Waited 4 weeks then sent me letter to vedify identify. Now have to wait another 2 months for what another excuse not to pay me my refund… Everyone needs to claim more depends to get more from the check instead of waiting for refund.
I have waited the 6-8 weeks since it was first ACCEPTED by them (which was 10 days after IRS site and Turbo Tax sent/said Accepted) and that I would now have to wait another 21 days from then (February 16th). Today is March 26, 2014 and NOTHING.
I filed mine jan 25 and was except one 25 still when I check it says still processing something is wrong with this picture Reply
Lisa, my refund is set to go into my bank account from the irs tomorrow. How long does it take from there for TurboTax to give me my refund after the fees are taken out? Kelly Reply
Hi Kelly, The IRS sends your refund to the bank and the bank deposits your refund into your account. It depends on your bank, but the bank can take up to 5 days to post it to your account. If you paid your fees through refund transfer the IRS sends your refund to SBBT bank who then sends your refund directly to your bank. Here is more info Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply
I used Turbo Tax for almost 3year, never had a problem until this year…and It WILL be the last time,….I filed taxes Feb.10.2015 and they received it Feb.11.2015…on Feb.20, I receive letter for further review on my account….further review, what? On something that insured me of highest and most accurate,….anyway, I called, just make sure everything right, to give them 60day from the letter…..I was done……i feel a turbo tax rep. or the ower, need to, for there business sake, figure out what’s the problem, and should be contacting the irs, do to the complaints…..on top of that you have us speak with agents, who’s answer half question,…and not explain,exactly what, great customer won’t to know….like, why is most the percentage of held refund, was filed though turbo? Is it TurboTax? Cause everyone I know that went to other received, but everyone that went to TurboTax have not? Really don’t care about no-one elses…I just won’t my money, or kick it out so I can go somewhere else, where I won’t have to worry, at all….So again….where’s my money?????? I will share this with everyone.. Reply
Shay I’m having the same problem and I should’nt have to wait 8 to 12 weeks to receive my own hard working money, turbo tax will never be used by me again.. Reply
This is my first year filing and I am a little confused as to how this works. I filed single and my taxes were accepted on February 24th. The end of my 21 days will be on March 17th. It still hasn’t said my taxes were approved yet it still says it’s accepted should I be worried? I chose direct deposit does that mean my taxes will be deposited on March 17th the last day of my 21 days? I only have 3 more days until my 21 days is up please help! Reply
This is my first year filing and I am a little confused as to how this works. I filed single and my taxes were accepted on February 24th. The end of my 21 days will be on March 17th. It still hasn’t said my taxes were approved yet should I be worried? I chose direct deposit does that mean my taxes will be deposited on March 17th the last day of my 21 days? Please help! Reply
Hello I filed my taxes via turbo tax back sometime between January 1-10 & there was a glitch and it wouldn’t allow me to file via efile so I had to print it out and mail it in. I still haven’t recorved anythjng and I’m freaking out. I thought about printing it out again and mailing it in but didn’t know if that would be a good idea. I thought it was weird I already received my state check but everytime I go online to check it says they don’t have any info on it yet it still hasn’t been 4-6 weeks. Ugh what do I do?! Reply
this is the last time I will ever use TurboTax Turbo Tax is a joke. when I was with H&R Block last year they got my refund done and I got it withiN 2 weeks. I wish there was some way I could get my money back from turbo tax because this is garbage. does anybody know the number to talk to a live person about my tax refund. Reply
When received a 4464c later and when I call the irs and listen my summary it says my tax refund amount then states it was credit on April 15, 2015. Does that mean that’s the date i receive my refund? Because when I check my transcripts the code for 570 is $0.00 Reply
I filed and was accepted by irs on 2.1.2015. I still have not received anything, no letter no email. Now turbo tax sent me a email saying at had to pay them 35 dollars for filing my taxes. I still haven’t gotten my refund.. it’s never taken this long. It’s very frustrating because everywhere I call I get machines. I need an update. Won’t pay until I get my money as its not fair… Reply
I have applied since Feb 8th, 2015 and my status shows as still in process from day one. Today is March the 10th and I am not able to talk to anyone either with the IRS or Turbo tax. What is going on? this is the first time this happens to me, I need a response. I am over a month and the limit is 21 days. Reply
Ok. Where is my refund? Where is my paperwork? I e-filed with Turbo Tax on 02/06/2015. Waited the 21 days. Called IRS. They said they didn’t get it until 02/16/2015. Why is that if Turbo Tax and IRS site both said received 02/06/2015? My sister did hers a week later and did NOT do DD, but received a check for her refund already in the mail. We both live at same address and both moved. So what IS the problem exactly? Should I cancel my TUBRO TAX filing from 02/06/2015 and start over??? Reply
Hi Cindy, No you shouldn’t cancel. If you cancel and resubmit another return the IRS will show that they received a duplicate tax return and reject the second one. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply
Let me clarify that both sites said ACCEPTED and an e-mail said ACCEPTED. Nothing would say only received for over 48 hours without my knowing there was a glitch.
I filed and was accepted on 2/1/15 , where’s my refund say still processing as of 2/23/15 so I call to see what’s going on I was told im under further review to wait 6-8 I try to get transcripts online the message said call the identity protection specialist unit .I was able to get threw on 2/25/15 I explained to the agent I was directed to call the center for possible identity theft so she asked me questiions only i would know when i answered correctly she responded she didn’t see anything so I asked her whats the hold up, she says she doesn’t see anything to give it an additional 5 weeks so I hang up…now my mind going all over the place I need my money so I call back couldn’t get threw until 2/26/15 and I explained to the agent I was backed up in bills so she referred me to an tax advocate she said someone will contact me in7 to 10 days what… now I wait….well my advocate called me the next day told me to fax proof of hardship this is on 2-27-15 so I faxed all documents on 3-3-15 called her let her no i faxed papers she confirmed she got it then says she’ll give me a call by 3-25-15.I need to know will it take that long to get my money? Reply
May I ask which phone # did u call to speak to a live person? I just keep getting the automated message at 800-829-1040 Reply
Can someone please tell me what’s going on.where’s my refund said your return is still being processed a date will be available….for 3 weeks now its saying we have recieved your tax refund and it is being processed.Should I have a Ddd soon.
I have a direct deposit date 3-18-15 my question is will I recieve my refund before the 18.after waiting for over a month filed February 1 2015. I have a ddd hang in there Reply
It will take at least 1-2 more months after the Tax Advocate Program takes over your approved case. These people are your only hope to getting your refund before Christmas 2015. I was ID thief victim last year, they helped me get my money and this year after talking to them, the Advocate program representative stated that IRS tag and hold up your refund for 3 yrs after the original reporting of ID thief of SS#. So after meeting the Advocate program criteria qualifying for help, I have them in my corner to help me get my money back sooner than Halloween or Thanksgiving this year. Thank Heaven for the Tax Advocate Program!. Thank you very much. Reply
This is to Lisa. As previously stated I found out my tax refund was being delayed due to my bankruptcy. Well my original Trustee passed away,so a new one took over. After reviewing my return,they said they’re not entitled to any of my return &that they would amend my bankruptcy to a no asset. She said once they get the check they’d send it all to me. The question is when will That be? The irs takes 30 days to send info to Trustee. they said it was sent Feb 13th Reply
I filed on January 30th and was told I should expect my refund on February 20th, I still have not received anything. The IRS where’s my refund site still just says that it is being processed. I have never had this problem before, I will never be using Turbo Tax again unless I can get some answers from someone. Reply
Hi Erik, Per the site the IRS works hard to issue refunds as quickly as possible, but some tax returns take longer to process than others for many reasons, including when a return: – includes errors, – is incomplete, – needs further review, – is impacted by identity theft or fraud, – includes Form 8379, Injured Spouse Allocation, – missing information necessary to properly calculate the Affordable Care Act premium tax credit Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply
Its not the Turbo Tax, its the IRS, if you had involved in a business organization ID thief data breach, your ID may be tagged by IRS as possible thief issue. You need to contact the IRS and the Tax Advocate program for help. Good luck. Reply
I filed for my taxes Feb 18th it was accepted then Feb 24th I’m told I have to identify myself in the irs office which I did just to find out someone stole my identity what should I do what can be done when will I receive my refund? Reply
I filed and was accepted Jan 20th, that’s over 40 days ago and STILL haven’t gotten my refund. The IRS is no help and neither is TurboTax. Reply
Can anyone help me with any helpful hints on when i will receieve my refund. I filed on Feb. 10th and still nothing. At first it was saying estimated date of March 5th, but 3 days ago that message dissappeared. Reply
Filed on 2/3 no word on mine, same status just accepted.. hoping this site is not fraudulent they had some problems .. have the answered anyone? Reply
I too had filed on the 7th of Feburary and have still seen nothing. I have used TurboTax for several years and always file during the same two week period ( Last week of Jan or first week of Feb). This has never taken so long???????? Reply
I Filed On Jan 28th, My Return Got Accepted On Jan 30th And Im Still Waiting On My Return. I Tried Using The Where’s My Refund Tool & It Saying My Return Is Still Being Processed. I Called The IRS Several Times & I Can’t Get Thru To Anyone. I Just Want My Money. I Will Never Use Turbo Tax Again!!! Reply
I filed my taxes on Jan. 29, 2015. My taxes were accepted 30 minutes later. A week after, my wmr bars were gone. I finally get a letter in the mail on February 28th saying that I need to verify my identity. I called this morning March 2, verified it was me and now have to wait up to another 6 weeks for my return. 🙁 Reply
I efiled on 2/13/15 and it was accepted the same day. I received my state 3 days later DD but my federal is no where to be found. When I check Where’s my Refund it says its still being processed. my 21 days is up on the 6th and I’m freaking out because people have filed WAY after me and already got theirs. And everyones comments i’ve been reading looks like they are in the same boat. Please help me! I will never use TurboTax again if this is the problem. Reply
i filed my taxes in the biggining of January and I didn’t receive yet a confirmation from them ! I would like to know what’s happening !! Reply
I filed my return on February 2 and it is now February 26 and I have not received my refund! I need some answers or I will never use TurboTax again! Reply
I filed Feb 8, and efiled for a direct deposit, Finally got a message on wmr that I am being mailed a check on March 3rd. IRS and Turbo Tax did not tell me why I was not getting a direct Deposit like I requested. I got my state tax refund within 6 days. Be patient, I think the irs is understaffed.
At least I know I’m not alone. I’ve been using turbo tax for 5 years and never had this problem. I filed on Feb 2nd, it was accepted Feb 4th. I got my state refund on Feb 10th but still have not gotten my federal refund. A month later! I have called turbo tax CS twice and they are harder to talk to them my 6 year old son! Frustrated!! Reply
I did the same thing and I don’t have my refund either. Received the state refund, but because the IRS had more strict ID thief guidelines on the processing software, your refund is possible on ID thief tagged, especially if you have past record of that or have been recently involved in data breach of business lately. Good luck, Call the IRS Tax Advocate program, but has to show desperate need of eviction, utility shut off ,medication that Medicare/Mediacaid will not pay for to qualify for program. Reply
I e filed on Feb 8th 2015 and I still have not received my refund. It has never taken this long to receive my refund. I did my parents taxes on Feb 11 and they got their refund deposited today, where’s my refund. Reply
I filed my taxes on the 8th of February,I have not got confirmation from the irs yet, why, and when will I receive my refund?? Reply
I filed on January 27th & it’s been over 3weeks my friend filed 2 days after me and got his a week later where’s my hard earned money Reply
i filed my taxes in the biggining of January and I didn’t receive yet a confirmation from them ! I would like to know what’s happening !! Reply
My return was accepted Jan 28 but I have not seen any change since then. I also filed HoH instead of Married this year which is different from the past few years due to separation, could this be why? Reply
I did my taxes on the 4th it has been received by the IRS but It still hasn’t been processed is there a hold on the process Reply
My refund was excepted on January 12, 2015 I never got a due date and I am still waiting for my refund every time I try to call the IRS I get nothing I am getting a little irritated now I have a due date of the 10th which is tomorrow I am going to say it’s probably not going to be on Reply
I filed on the 20th i was given a date on the 3rd to recieve my fefunds but now it says the 10th…..i don’t understand Reply
I got a dd date of feb 9,2015, just waiting on my card in the mail. I didnt get penalized for not having health insurance suprisingly. My daughter had health insurance so i didnt have to pay since she had it i guess, woo hoo ! Reply
Well he may not have filed wrong. I was ready to see the penalty myself, however, based on my situation, I qualified for 1 of several exemptions to the ACA. This was a nice suprise. So, he probably did also.
I never got my 2013 tax refund. I talked to the IRS and they wanted to verified that it was me and I did that and still waiting. Reply
If you have no health insurance and you pay the penalty but you just recently applied for health insurance through the market place and the irs has your money frozen is it because I didn’tfile my taxes with 1095-A form and the 8962 form from the irs ? Reply