Tax News File Today! The IRS is Now Accepting Tax Returns for the 2015 Tax Season Read the Article Open Share Drawer Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to print (Opens in new window) Written by TurboTaxLisa Published Jan 20, 2015 - [Updated Aug 23, 2019] 3 min read Today the IRS kicked off the opening of the 2015 tax season and will now begin accepting e-filed tax returns. You may have already filed your taxes and your tax return is in line ready to be processed when the IRS opens today. If you haven’t filed your taxes yet, you can go online now and easily and accurately file your taxes with TurboTax to get the biggest tax refund you deserve. 7 Ways TurboTax Helps You Get Your Biggest Tax Refund Go online and file with TurboTax and save – 60 million taxpayers have relatively simple tax returns (1040 EZ/1040A) and are paying too much to get their taxes prepared at a tax store. If you have a relatively simple tax return, right now you can go online and easily and accurately prepare your taxes while saving money versus going to a tax store. New mobile app allows you to file your taxes on any device – You can file your taxes easily and conveniently when and where you want. TurboTax new mobile app allows you to seamlessly move across devices so you can start your taxes on your mobile phone or tablet and finish online on your computer. Automatically import your W-2 – Don’t have your W-2 yet? Don’t worry, TurboTax Form Finder allows you to easily import your W-2 from over 1 million companies so you can get closer to your tax refund sooner. Easier to file your taxes – If you are new customer you will be asked simple questions related to your tax situation so that you get every dollar you deserve. If you are a returning customer and you transfer your previous tax information into this year’s tax return, you may find your tax return is almost done after transferring your tax information. More money beyond your tax refund: Like last tax season, TurboTax is the only tax preparation service working with to give you extra money on top of your federal tax refund when you use your tax refund to buy e-gift cards. You can choose to use part of your federal tax refund, from $100 on up, to purchase e-gift cards and TurboTax will add an extra 5% or 10% on top of it, depending on the product you’re using. This exclusive bonus is just another way TurboTax helps you make your hard-earned dollars go even further. Double checks tax deductions and credits – To make sure you get every dollar you deserve, TurboTax automatically double-checks your tax return as you go, searching for every tax deduction and credit you’re eligible for. Get your questions answered by credentialed tax experts – When you file your taxes with TurboTax online or on your mobile device, you are never alone. You can get your questions answered by credentialed tax experts, who are CPAs and enrolled agents available via phone or chat. About 75% of taxpayers received a tax refund last tax season and the average tax refund was close to $2,800 last year so there’s no reason to wait to file. According to the IRS, 9 out of 10 taxpayers will be issued their tax refunds within 21 days after acceptance of their e-filed tax return. Previous Post Happy Trivia Day! 5 Bizarre Tax Facts You Probably Don’t… Next Post Happy President’s Day! What Our Forefathers Thought About Taxes Written by Lisa Greene-Lewis Lisa has over 20 years of experience in tax preparation. Her success is attributed to being able to interpret tax laws and help clients better understand them. She has held positions as a public auditor, controller, and operations manager. Lisa has appeared on the Steve Harvey Show, the Ellen Show, and major news broadcast to break down tax laws and help taxpayers understand what tax laws mean to them. For Lisa, getting timely and accurate information out to taxpayers to help them keep more of their money is paramount. More from Lisa Greene-Lewis Follow Lisa Greene-Lewis on Twitter. 214 responses to “File Today! The IRS is Now Accepting Tax Returns for the 2015 Tax Season” Newer Comments » did mine on the 20th accepted that same day and as of today is still pending.. 🙁 Reply Hey guys! I just checked the IRS website and mine was approved today! Set for the 11th! I filed the 16th and was accepted the 21st! I think there rolling a week behind this year. I wouldn’t wait for your text or email updates!!!!! I went right onto the website!!! WOOT WOOT! Reply I filed on the 16th, was approved on the 22nd and its 2/1 and I’m still not approved. My boyfriend filed on the 26th and was approved with a DD date of 2/5. I’m glad I’m not the only one who is worried…. Reply Make that “accepted” on the 22nd and still not approved as of today. Reply Seems everyone put in before the 20th making the irs extra stuff being they actually starting accepting and processing on the 20th so its all missed up between the people who waited on the actual date and people who file between the 1st and the 20th so the its site say anyone file between Jan 1st and Jan 30th willing dd n the bank and on the 9th through mail but they have until feb13 and i filed on the 23 Reply I filed my taxes on the 26th accepted on the 26th and it still says processing why?? Reply I filed with Turbo Tax and was accepted on the 21st. It still says processing?? Should I be worried? Reply Filed and accepted on the 20th just got approved on the 30th for ddd of 2/4. Filed my mom’s on the 26th was accepted and approved on 1/29 with a ddd of 2/3. So I don’t know in what order their processing them in. Reply Ok turbotax lets get some answers as you can see everyone is asking the same question. What is taking so long with approvals. 6 years I’ve been using turbotax never ever waiting for an acceptance this long. Reply I filed thursday 29 about 3pm accepted at 715 that night and still don’t have a dd. I an using the hr block emerald card. Just wondering how long it’s taking for hr block emerald users Reply My return was accepted on the 13th as well still processing Reply Efile on 1/16 got accepted 1/20 cheking wmr still saying processing. My friend file hers 1 week after same place and she got her refund already. Is that normal.. Reply I filed my taxes on 1-29-15 was accepted 1-30-15 still not approved does anyone know howlong it takes to get approved after you file o Reply Why is it taking longer then before, when nothing gas really changed in my return, accepted on 23rd still not approved Reply Me neither that’s wat I’m saying nothing changed with mine neither Reply This is exactly my situation…and exactly my question too. I mean, if you’re overloaded, isnt that even more reason to approve as many returns as possible, in order to get them out of the way? Reply I filed and was accepted on safety1/20. Still not approved. 11 days. Seriously what is going on? Reply I efiled 11 days ago and was also accepted 11 days ago, bit I still have not been approved. My transcript is not available. I have never waited this long. Last year I had my refund in my account on day 12. Anyone else still waiting?? Reply I’m still waiting sent mine threw 15th Reply Yes I am I filed on the 20th and mine is still processing Reply Filed mine on 22nd, accepted on 23rd, approved on 26th, got it directed deposited on the 30th,did wifes on 23rd accepted that night, and still says accepted, what gives????? Reply I filed Jan 21st was accepted on 21st.. no approval as of today 31st… Im so irritated anybody else accepted on 21st still waiting? ? Reply Yes I am I sent mines threw the 15th of Jan I don’t know I’m loosing my mind Reply I also filed on 1/21/15 was accepted that day.There’s no changes in the status bar as of 2/2/15…. Reply I’m in the same boat! I was accepted on the 21st also! I still haven’t heard anything! The last three years I’ve received mine with in a week or two after being accepted….what gives? Reply What gives?! I filed on the 20th, got accepted the 21st, now here we are ten days later abd still not approved. in law did it the 25th, was accepted the 26th and got a EDD for the 2nd yesterday. Highly irritated, had not been like this in the past. Reply I filed on the 25th got accepted the same day and still not approved i’m frustrated right now?? Reply I submitted on January 20. They redirected on the 21. Finally approved 30. Reply My friend and I both filed on January 22nd and were accepted on the 23rd she got her refund on the 29th mine STILL says being processed with no approval what so ever. Wondering where my refund is? Reply I efiled mines january 22, 2015 , when will i get my refund date ? Reply Hey I filed and my taxes were accepted on the 23rd same day I filed saw some getting there’s back today the 30th I wanted to know how much longer will I get mines Reply I was accepted at 11am on the 20th and still have not been approved. Is anyone else having this problem?? Reply Wth I filled my return January 26th it got accepted the same day but hasn’t been approved yet. What’s going on last year it didn’t take this long. I understand they are short on staff but really? At least give me a date. Reply I filed mine on Jan 26 and was accepted within a hour, I got approved Jan. 30. I tracked my refund on the Where’s my refund site and it told me I will received my refund into my account by Feb. 8th. I filed with turbotax. Been filing with them for 3 years now. I usually receive mine by Feb. 6. Reply i am also concerned, I filed my taxes on January 21st, but it has never taken this long to be *approved* and actually provide a date. I know people that file AFTER I did and already have been approved and given a date. I am worried 🙁 Reply I just got my date today and I filled on the 20th Reply I filed on the 21st and got accepted on the 21st but it still hasn’t been approved, yet I know people that filed after me on down the week and already startedgetting trefunds. Im like really? Reply My return was accepted on 1/22, Where’s my refund says it’s still processing. My sister’s sister’s return was accepted on 1/21. She recieved her refund today 1/30. What a difference a day makes huh? Reply No….I filled the same day as your sister and I still haven’t received my update! Reply My refund just got deposited into my checking account a few minutes ago. Reply Still waiting and I filed on 9th and received 12the Reply I did my tax return and it was approved on the 1/20 how ever when I go to where my refund still says processing and I already know people that has their already.. Should I call IRS to find out why ?? Reply The IRS won’t give you an answer until it has been at least 21 days since your return was accepted, not approved Reply I filed my taxes on the 16th and my return was received on the 20th. Why is it taking so long to be approved Reply Have you received anything yet? I filed on 21st still no approval Reply Same here! I filed on the 20 of jan.whats my refund date? Reply It depends on other credits taken on your return and how the computer processes your return, if its a simple return with no credits just basic income with standard deduction taken expect your return to process much faster than if you take credits like EIC, and expect your refund to be transmitted to your bank Wednesday night and available by Friday morning 02/06/15. If it has refundable credits applied, it can take an extra week for processing and you should see your deposit hit your bank by 02/13/2015 at the latest. Reply I filed on 1/20 and was accepted the same day and no direct deposit date. I also did my sisters and hers was accepted the same day 1/20 and she has a direct deposit date of 1/30. I wonder would it have made a difference that I itemized and she didn’t. Reply my husband and I filed our taxes and was approved 1/21 then we realized that my husband does not have health coverage but I do. what should we do to change the form? do we have to wait on a letter from the IRS? Reply accepted not approved**** Reply Just put a check mark in the box saying he was covered all year that’s it, save yourself some money there using the honor system this year for healthcare 2014-2015, otherwise you will have to make a shared responsibility payment which isnt that much (less than 100) and will be deducted from your refund. If you want to change anything that was already filed and accepted you must file a form 1040X by mail, those forms cannot be filed electronically. Reply I filed on the 16 and mine says being processed.. I’m getting worried .. Reply filed jan accepted on the 21st i think..still no status change. Reply Me neither Reply Same here Reply I filled on the 19th and it was accepted on the 20th and it still says being processed I don’t know what’s going on Reply I filed on January 20 and accepted the same day and mine is still pprocessing…what’s the problem??will I even get a refund???? Reply I filed on the 18th mine is still being processed Reply Any one been approved yet 2/28/15 Reply I have. Just this morning and refunds on the way in 2 days Reply Really, post when you get your return. I am interested in why my status changed from received to “still processing” Inquired Yes I was approved today. Reply Hi Selena, I was just wondering what day you filed? When did u file? I DID MINES ON THE 21ST New tax requirement dealing with the health care bill and other new found regulations,plus the irs is dealing with budget cuts so they are under staffed. Just another ploy by republicans to make the people below the poverty line suffer,because they are too rich to receive a return.They are too busy avoiding paying their taxes.Expect your tax return to double in wait time,if you filed on the 20th then you should receive a return by Feb.5. Reply Man turbo tax why is my refund even after 10 days its looking like im not going to suggest people into using you to file any more it should not take this long I’ve been using turbo tax for 4 years now this sucks like seriously people have bills whats the point of buying deluxe when there is nothing deluxe about turbotax Reply It’s not turbo tax. Go to the irs page ad read. They have changed the way taxa are processed . Reply I filed the 9th and approved 12th…Still says being processed its getting bad…where is my refund? Seriously Reply Well first off you couldnt have been approved by the 12th as the IRS didnt even accept returns until the 20th. Reply yes it is , i even got a text on mine being excepted 1/12/2015 There is no way that is possible, the IRS did not even start accepting returns until the 20th so the info you just gave or you were given is untrue! Reply The IRS processed some early as a test run. My sisters was also accepted on the 12th. I filled too on the 20th, was accepted same day and still nothing now for 12 days… I did mine on the 12th even though I knew nothing was being processed till the 20th. Just wanted to get it done. It’s been accepted but don’t know how long return will take. Reply I’m guessing the 20th I also filed on the 13th. Today is the 27th still processing…. Reply I just got approved this morning at midnight. it says i will have my money in my account on the 4th of feb Reply When did you file Me too Mike, mine was accepted on 16th and it still says processing… Reply I filed through Turbo Tax on 9/23/15 @ 9:22pm and was my taxes was accepted at 12:15am on 9/24/15. It took two days last year. I hope that the rest of the processing time goes by as fast. We shall see. . . Reply Check you should be approve right now Reply Has anyone gotten a refund date yet? How long does it take to get a refund date? Reply Got mine this morning DD of Jan 30th Reply You got yours this morning? I wonder when I will get mine as mine is being mailed? As of right now the site says, “still processing” Thoughts?? Mine says it will be sent 1/30 Reply Sent? Like mailed or Direct Deposit? Have you gotten it yet? I need help, I haven’t done my taxes since 2003, what do I do? Who do I contact? Reply Alright, first take a deep breathe. Now, gather as much of information as necessary, and start with 2003. Then consecutively work through the other years. It’ll be ok, you’ll get through it… 🙂 Reply why is it taking so long for approval mines being processing for over 10 days now? Reply whats the deal with filing 10 days before 1/21? Reply It’s called being prepared as early as necessary. Not procrastinating. Mine is still showing in return received status as well. I’m wondering if anyone has had their refund go into approved status? If so please update me because this is concerning. Reply Still processing no approval yet Mine still says processing… My taxes was accepted on the 13. Would the 13 be my acceptance day or the 20 Reply Newer Comments » Leave a ReplyCancel reply Browse Related Articles Self-Employed Meet Moira Tax Planning TurboTax Enables Refund Advance to Taxpayers Investments Tax Benefits of Real Estate Investing Self-Employed Business Tax Checklist: What You’ll Need When Filing Uncategorized What Is Deferred Compensation & How Is It Taxed? Investments How Does an Inherited IRA Work? Work Choosing Your Business Structure: 5 Types of Businesses to Consider Tax Deductions and Credits Are HOA Fees Tax Deductible? What You Need to Know Crypto Understanding Crypto and Capital Gains Work 7 Things You Need to Know About the New Business Reporting Rules
Hey guys! I just checked the IRS website and mine was approved today! Set for the 11th! I filed the 16th and was accepted the 21st! I think there rolling a week behind this year. I wouldn’t wait for your text or email updates!!!!! I went right onto the website!!! WOOT WOOT! Reply
I filed on the 16th, was approved on the 22nd and its 2/1 and I’m still not approved. My boyfriend filed on the 26th and was approved with a DD date of 2/5. I’m glad I’m not the only one who is worried…. Reply
Seems everyone put in before the 20th making the irs extra stuff being they actually starting accepting and processing on the 20th so its all missed up between the people who waited on the actual date and people who file between the 1st and the 20th so the its site say anyone file between Jan 1st and Jan 30th willing dd n the bank and on the 9th through mail but they have until feb13 and i filed on the 23 Reply
I filed with Turbo Tax and was accepted on the 21st. It still says processing?? Should I be worried? Reply
Filed and accepted on the 20th just got approved on the 30th for ddd of 2/4. Filed my mom’s on the 26th was accepted and approved on 1/29 with a ddd of 2/3. So I don’t know in what order their processing them in. Reply
Ok turbotax lets get some answers as you can see everyone is asking the same question. What is taking so long with approvals. 6 years I’ve been using turbotax never ever waiting for an acceptance this long. Reply
I filed thursday 29 about 3pm accepted at 715 that night and still don’t have a dd. I an using the hr block emerald card. Just wondering how long it’s taking for hr block emerald users Reply
Efile on 1/16 got accepted 1/20 cheking wmr still saying processing. My friend file hers 1 week after same place and she got her refund already. Is that normal.. Reply
I filed my taxes on 1-29-15 was accepted 1-30-15 still not approved does anyone know howlong it takes to get approved after you file o Reply
Why is it taking longer then before, when nothing gas really changed in my return, accepted on 23rd still not approved Reply
This is exactly my situation…and exactly my question too. I mean, if you’re overloaded, isnt that even more reason to approve as many returns as possible, in order to get them out of the way? Reply
I filed and was accepted on safety1/20. Still not approved. 11 days. Seriously what is going on? Reply
I efiled 11 days ago and was also accepted 11 days ago, bit I still have not been approved. My transcript is not available. I have never waited this long. Last year I had my refund in my account on day 12. Anyone else still waiting?? Reply
Filed mine on 22nd, accepted on 23rd, approved on 26th, got it directed deposited on the 30th,did wifes on 23rd accepted that night, and still says accepted, what gives????? Reply
I filed Jan 21st was accepted on 21st.. no approval as of today 31st… Im so irritated anybody else accepted on 21st still waiting? ? Reply
I also filed on 1/21/15 was accepted that day.There’s no changes in the status bar as of 2/2/15…. Reply
I’m in the same boat! I was accepted on the 21st also! I still haven’t heard anything! The last three years I’ve received mine with in a week or two after being accepted….what gives? Reply
What gives?! I filed on the 20th, got accepted the 21st, now here we are ten days later abd still not approved. in law did it the 25th, was accepted the 26th and got a EDD for the 2nd yesterday. Highly irritated, had not been like this in the past. Reply
I filed on the 25th got accepted the same day and still not approved i’m frustrated right now?? Reply
My friend and I both filed on January 22nd and were accepted on the 23rd she got her refund on the 29th mine STILL says being processed with no approval what so ever. Wondering where my refund is? Reply
Hey I filed and my taxes were accepted on the 23rd same day I filed saw some getting there’s back today the 30th I wanted to know how much longer will I get mines Reply
I was accepted at 11am on the 20th and still have not been approved. Is anyone else having this problem?? Reply
Wth I filled my return January 26th it got accepted the same day but hasn’t been approved yet. What’s going on last year it didn’t take this long. I understand they are short on staff but really? At least give me a date. Reply
I filed mine on Jan 26 and was accepted within a hour, I got approved Jan. 30. I tracked my refund on the Where’s my refund site and it told me I will received my refund into my account by Feb. 8th. I filed with turbotax. Been filing with them for 3 years now. I usually receive mine by Feb. 6. Reply
i am also concerned, I filed my taxes on January 21st, but it has never taken this long to be *approved* and actually provide a date. I know people that file AFTER I did and already have been approved and given a date. I am worried 🙁 Reply
I filed on the 21st and got accepted on the 21st but it still hasn’t been approved, yet I know people that filed after me on down the week and already startedgetting trefunds. Im like really? Reply
My return was accepted on 1/22, Where’s my refund says it’s still processing. My sister’s sister’s return was accepted on 1/21. She recieved her refund today 1/30. What a difference a day makes huh? Reply
I did my tax return and it was approved on the 1/20 how ever when I go to where my refund still says processing and I already know people that has their already.. Should I call IRS to find out why ?? Reply
The IRS won’t give you an answer until it has been at least 21 days since your return was accepted, not approved Reply
I filed my taxes on the 16th and my return was received on the 20th. Why is it taking so long to be approved Reply
It depends on other credits taken on your return and how the computer processes your return, if its a simple return with no credits just basic income with standard deduction taken expect your return to process much faster than if you take credits like EIC, and expect your refund to be transmitted to your bank Wednesday night and available by Friday morning 02/06/15. If it has refundable credits applied, it can take an extra week for processing and you should see your deposit hit your bank by 02/13/2015 at the latest. Reply
I filed on 1/20 and was accepted the same day and no direct deposit date. I also did my sisters and hers was accepted the same day 1/20 and she has a direct deposit date of 1/30. I wonder would it have made a difference that I itemized and she didn’t. Reply
my husband and I filed our taxes and was approved 1/21 then we realized that my husband does not have health coverage but I do. what should we do to change the form? do we have to wait on a letter from the IRS? Reply
Just put a check mark in the box saying he was covered all year that’s it, save yourself some money there using the honor system this year for healthcare 2014-2015, otherwise you will have to make a shared responsibility payment which isnt that much (less than 100) and will be deducted from your refund. If you want to change anything that was already filed and accepted you must file a form 1040X by mail, those forms cannot be filed electronically. Reply
I filled on the 19th and it was accepted on the 20th and it still says being processed I don’t know what’s going on Reply
I filed on January 20 and accepted the same day and mine is still pprocessing…what’s the problem??will I even get a refund???? Reply
Really, post when you get your return. I am interested in why my status changed from received to “still processing”
New tax requirement dealing with the health care bill and other new found regulations,plus the irs is dealing with budget cuts so they are under staffed. Just another ploy by republicans to make the people below the poverty line suffer,because they are too rich to receive a return.They are too busy avoiding paying their taxes.Expect your tax return to double in wait time,if you filed on the 20th then you should receive a return by Feb.5. Reply
Man turbo tax why is my refund even after 10 days its looking like im not going to suggest people into using you to file any more it should not take this long I’ve been using turbo tax for 4 years now this sucks like seriously people have bills whats the point of buying deluxe when there is nothing deluxe about turbotax Reply
I filed the 9th and approved 12th…Still says being processed its getting bad…where is my refund? Seriously Reply
Well first off you couldnt have been approved by the 12th as the IRS didnt even accept returns until the 20th. Reply
There is no way that is possible, the IRS did not even start accepting returns until the 20th so the info you just gave or you were given is untrue! Reply
I did mine on the 12th even though I knew nothing was being processed till the 20th. Just wanted to get it done. It’s been accepted but don’t know how long return will take. Reply
I just got approved this morning at midnight. it says i will have my money in my account on the 4th of feb Reply
I filed through Turbo Tax on 9/23/15 @ 9:22pm and was my taxes was accepted at 12:15am on 9/24/15. It took two days last year. I hope that the rest of the processing time goes by as fast. We shall see. . . Reply
You got yours this morning? I wonder when I will get mine as mine is being mailed? As of right now the site says, “still processing” Thoughts??
Alright, first take a deep breathe. Now, gather as much of information as necessary, and start with 2003. Then consecutively work through the other years. It’ll be ok, you’ll get through it… 🙂 Reply
Mine is still showing in return received status as well. I’m wondering if anyone has had their refund go into approved status? If so please update me because this is concerning. Reply