Tax News Does Black Friday Save You As Much Money As You Think? Read the Article Open Share Drawer Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to print (Opens in new window) Written by Published Nov 22, 2010 - [Updated Jul 11, 2019] 4 min read Year after year, Black Friday is touted as a sort of shopper’s Super Bowl. A sale no consumer dare miss. And sure enough, this year is no different. Every advertising channel – from newspapers to billboards to commercials – are hyping up what a killer savings opportunity November 26th will bring. But does Black Friday truly live up to its reputation? Read on – the answer may surprise you. Early Wake-ups (jardenberg) What excites Black Friday fanatics above all is the thought of saving big on popular merchandise. “50% off!”, the billboards promise. “Buy one, get one free!” the newspaper exclaims. However, a lower price doesn’t necessarily make something a great deal. In college economics courses, students learn about opportunity cost: the value of your next-best option. As it turns out, Black Friday involves many opportunity costs, some of which may erase any “deal” you think you’re getting. One of these costs is early wake-ups. The typical Black Friday sale starts early in the morning – early as in 3 a.m., not 8 a.m.. Is standing outside in the freezing cold at 2 a.m. really worth $20 off a new cell phone? Maybe – but maybe not. Aggressive Shoppers (Marianne O’Leary) Another opportunity cost of Black Friday are the aggressive and often violent shoppers you are competing with. Every year, newspapers are flooded with stories about in-store fighting – usually when sale price items sell out (a common situation.) And it’s pretty easy to see why. The people who show up to Black Friday sales at 3 a.m. are the most hardcore, devoted deal-seekers in the community. They are the people who decided that waking up early, driving all over creation, standing outside for hours in the cold and literally fighting with other customers was worth the deals they were promised. Thus, we see what went happened in this video (where shoppers dog-piled on top of one another for an Xbox) every single year. You may remember Black Friday 2006, when a frenzy over the PlayStation 3 console caused such a commotion that a local Walmart had to be shut down. Back in 2008, the New York Daily News reported on a Walmart employee being trampled to death by crazed shoppers. Frustrated Store Employees (Grant_Robertson) If you think retail employees are surly all year round, wait until you see them on Black Friday. Consider that you are shopping on what is unquestionably the most stressful, pressurized and chaotic day of the entire commercial year. All day long, employees are faced with demanding customers, forced to break up fights and worked to exhaustion by their managers. Trying to get a straight answer from these people on Black Friday is a lot like visiting Town Hall on April 15 – in other words, a giant, headache-filled nightmare. Gas Costs (dave_mcmt) Yet another opportunity cost of Black Friday is fuel. True devotees of this shopping holiday don’t visit the local Walmart or Target, stock up on a few calculated purchases and call it a day. No – they will instead wring Black Friday for all it’s worth by visiting every store in town, and perhaps the surrounding towns as well. Of course, those who genuinely love to shop may see gas as a small price to pay, but it does add up. The more fuel you burn in pursuit of a deal, the less of a deal it becomes. Because of this, a Black Friday spent trekking around the state could be (while perhaps still enjoyable) a complete wash as far as saving money goes. Sub-par Deals (dave_mcmt) Even the deals themselves are not always all they appear to be. On October 26, published a report debunking fifteen popular Black Friday myths. MSN cited it as well, calling Black Friday “highly overrated.” One big reason is that the supposedly unbeatable deals we all hear about do not always add up. According to DealNews: “These days, more and more Black Friday deals are available online as well as in-store. Couple that with the fact that many Black Friday doorbusters are either matched or beaten later in the season, and you can only conclude that it’s not worth camping out for Black Friday specials. At most stores, being first in line to go in at 5 am only guarantees that you’ll get shoved around as the 500 people behind you are also let in.” Retailers are also said to “often mix in their everyday prices with their steeper discounts, hoping that a shopper will bite on a high-profit item.” The Answer: Cyber Monday (eGuidry) In many ways, Cyber Monday is the shopping event that actually delivers what Black Friday promises. In addition to good deals, there are few (if any) opportunity costs. Most or all ordering is done online, from the comfort of home, at any time of the day or night that is convenient. Shipping is often free or much less expensive than normal. Best of all, it’s only two days after Black Friday. Since the Christmas holiday is a full month away anyway, why not skip the madness and shop on Cyber Monday instead? You’ll save more and work less. Previous Post The IRS May Owe You Money Next Post TurboTax Online Now Live in Google Chrome Web Store Written by More from 10 responses to “Does Black Friday Save You As Much Money As You Think?” My uncle bought a laptop at walmart for $178 on black friday. It was suppose to be 500 GB hard drive, but it actually only had 320 GB. They make the products with cheaper material and less features. That’s how they can sell them for such a low price. So what you buy on black friday may not really be what you think it is. I bought my 50 in TV last black friday online from walmarts website because I didn’t want to fight the crowds. It was the same sell price just a high shipping cost. It’s been a great TV, but not everything you buy on Black Friday is what you are led to believe it is. I always tell people to check the items out before you buy them. My uncle ended up returning the laptop for a better touchscreen laptop for no additional cost because of the false advertizement, but not all stores would do that. Reply I will never use Turbo tax as long as they refuse to be on Glenn Becks show.. Reply These are all things anyone with common sense would know. If you disagree, it just means you’re lacking it. Reply It does in a sense. Sure, not buying at all saves money, but you don’t have the items. Buying cheaper saves money considering you have the items. Depending on weather it’s improves your life or not (in whatever measurable ways), it can be a good or bad decision, and hence save or waste money. So, if the items enhance your life, and it’s the best option to spend your money, then yes. Reply The sad thing is that if you mark the TV down to $200, you run the risk that the person who buys it only thinks it’s worth $200, which means it is a less efficient configuration. The person who is willing to pay full price thinks the product is worth full price. Reply I think a lot of people buy stuff on Black Friday that they would not otherwise buy at all. I do not believe it saves any money, it only encourages more purchases and thus consumes our money. Yes, it’s the individual’s choice, but if it wasn’t on sale for $200, would a lot of these people be buying a giant HD TV at all for regular price? Reply Oh boy! Another paid-for publisher story on the front page with 0 comments! I hope they like the 2,000 clicks they get from Diggs rotted corpse. Reply this is just a scam to persuade people to stay home so you can get the sweet discounts. Reply CyberMonday is usually a bust. I’ve yet to see a cyber monday on the scale of black friday in terms of number of deals and great prices. I wish cyber monday would do better to compete with black friday because i hate getting up at at oh’dark thirty to go stand out in the freezing cold. But so far, cyber monday has failed to deliver. Reply Nah, I think its all a big sham! Reply Leave a ReplyCancel reply Browse Related Articles Self-Employed Meet Moira Tax Planning TurboTax Enables Refund Advance to Taxpayers Investments Tax Benefits of Real Estate Investing Self-Employed Business Tax Checklist: What You’ll Need When Filing Uncategorized What Is Deferred Compensation & How Is It Taxed? Investments How Does an Inherited IRA Work? Work Choosing Your Business Structure: 5 Types of Businesses to Consider Tax Deductions and Credits Are HOA Fees Tax Deductible? What You Need to Know Crypto Understanding Crypto and Capital Gains Work 7 Things You Need to Know About the New Business Reporting Rules
My uncle bought a laptop at walmart for $178 on black friday. It was suppose to be 500 GB hard drive, but it actually only had 320 GB. They make the products with cheaper material and less features. That’s how they can sell them for such a low price. So what you buy on black friday may not really be what you think it is. I bought my 50 in TV last black friday online from walmarts website because I didn’t want to fight the crowds. It was the same sell price just a high shipping cost. It’s been a great TV, but not everything you buy on Black Friday is what you are led to believe it is. I always tell people to check the items out before you buy them. My uncle ended up returning the laptop for a better touchscreen laptop for no additional cost because of the false advertizement, but not all stores would do that. Reply
These are all things anyone with common sense would know. If you disagree, it just means you’re lacking it. Reply
It does in a sense. Sure, not buying at all saves money, but you don’t have the items. Buying cheaper saves money considering you have the items. Depending on weather it’s improves your life or not (in whatever measurable ways), it can be a good or bad decision, and hence save or waste money. So, if the items enhance your life, and it’s the best option to spend your money, then yes. Reply
The sad thing is that if you mark the TV down to $200, you run the risk that the person who buys it only thinks it’s worth $200, which means it is a less efficient configuration. The person who is willing to pay full price thinks the product is worth full price. Reply
I think a lot of people buy stuff on Black Friday that they would not otherwise buy at all. I do not believe it saves any money, it only encourages more purchases and thus consumes our money. Yes, it’s the individual’s choice, but if it wasn’t on sale for $200, would a lot of these people be buying a giant HD TV at all for regular price? Reply
Oh boy! Another paid-for publisher story on the front page with 0 comments! I hope they like the 2,000 clicks they get from Diggs rotted corpse. Reply
CyberMonday is usually a bust. I’ve yet to see a cyber monday on the scale of black friday in terms of number of deals and great prices. I wish cyber monday would do better to compete with black friday because i hate getting up at at oh’dark thirty to go stand out in the freezing cold. But so far, cyber monday has failed to deliver. Reply