Health Care How Will I Prove My Health Insurance Under the Affordable Care Act? Read the Article Open Share Drawer Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to print (Opens in new window) Written by Magaly Olivero Published Sep 6, 2014 - [Updated Jan 19, 2015] 2 min read Under the Affordable Care Act, taxpayers will need to provide information about their health insurance coverage when filing their 2014 taxes in 2015, since most uninsured Americans must have health insurance beginning in 2014 or face a tax penalty. So how can you prove you have health insurance to avoid a tax penalty? Here’s what you need to know at tax-time: When you prepare your taxes you will be asked if you have health insurance. If you already have health insurance there will be a simple check mark on your taxes based on your answer. If you have a plan from the Health Insurance Marketplace, the Marketplace will provide Form 1095-A to you and the IRS with information about your coverage and premium tax credits. If you purchased health insurance in the Health Insurance Marketplace and received a premium tax credit in 2014, information about your advance premium tax credit will be reported and the actual premium tax credit will be determined on Form 8962. If you have job-based coverage, your employer may provide a separate Form 1095-C to you and the IRS with information about your plan and who was covered. Private insurers and self-funded plans may provide each policyholder and the IRS with information summarizing the coverage provided on Form 1095-B. The IRS has provided a transition period for Forms 1095-B and 1095-C, so these forms are not a requirement for tax year 2014. And lastly, if you think you qualify for an exemption from purchasing health insurance, you may need to provide documentation to substantiate your claim. A few of the exemptions are through your tax return, but a majority require you to apply for an exemption certificate number. TurboTax Health can help you find out if you may be exempt from the tax penalty. As with all tax laws, TurboTax is up-to-date with the latest tax law changes. If you have more questions about the Affordable Care Act and how it impacts you and your taxes, you can visit TurboTax Health to get answers. Previous Post Back-to-School Savings: Tax Tips for Parents and Students Next Post What are Health Insurance Discount Options in the Marketplace? Written by Magaly Olivero Magaly Olivero is an award-winning writer and has written for many national and regional media outlets, as well as corporate and nonprofit clients in the healthcare, tax and education industries. Her publishing credits include U.S. News and World Report, Newsweek, The New York Times, Working Woman, Better Homes and Gardens and the Connecticut Health Investigative Team. Magaly is a recipient of a National Journalism Fellowship from the University of California Annenberg School of Communication and a Health Coverage Fellowship from the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation. More from Magaly Olivero 57 responses to “How Will I Prove My Health Insurance Under the Affordable Care Act?” I am 81 and have group retirment plan including Medicare, no premium required, my tax form 1040A does not want form SA1099 to be sent, but line 14a shows receipient of SS. I don’t use Trubo, do I check box 38 in 1041A Thank you kindly. Reply I am currently separated from my husband however not fully divorced. (too expensive) he has me and my kids cover through his employer. Do I still need to buy my own medical coverage to avoid paying a penalty or I should be ok since he has me cover. Please advise. Thank you Reply I will be checking the I have insurance box even though I don’t have insurance. If they want to put a 61 year old lady that makes under 14,000. a year in prison for lying go for it. I will get free lodging & food. Reply I think I’m in love for you. Reply Thank you for this article. Very easy to understand. Reply Hello, I am 25 years of age and currently under my mothers work insurance. I filed my own taxes, how will or can I prove that I was insured? Reply Hi i wanted to know if i claim my sisters children. As dependents my sister does not work but they live with me and they have medicad how will i show proof of this Reply I have health Insurance through my employer. My 22 year old son is not my dependent for tax purposes but is covered under my policy. How will he be able to prove he has coverage? Reply I Had insurance from Jan. 1 2014 until I was let go from my job on Dec. 22 2014. my insurance was cancelled on the day I was let go. Will a penalty be attached to my refund even though not having insurance now was not my decision? Reply if you go without insurance for 3 consecutive months or longer. The tax penalty will be based on the number of months you go without coverage. You won’t be charged the tax penalty if you are uninsured for a period that occurs for 3 or fewer consecutive months. Reply Our Family utilizes Christian Healthcare Ministries; any special things we have to do to prove we have coverage? Last year on TurboTax we were asked if we had/have Insurance. To which we answered yes. Same still? Reply Our Family utilizes Christian Healthcare Ministries, do we have to provide a Form, Statement or otherwise? Reply Hello, I had insurance for 10 months through the ACA healthcare marketplace. Then I turned 65 in November and qualified for Medicare. I currently pay Medicare and Medicare supplements monthly. How do I handle this mixed insurance situation on my tax filing in Turbo Tax this year? Thank you. Reply How can a Vet show that he has healthcare thru the VA system Reply Don’t really need to hear about the background of your commentators – just need an answer to a very basic and simple question. Can you just do that??????????? Reply Guess not Huh? What a Great site Reply I am on social security disability. I pay for my medicare supplemental insurance. Social security does take out takes from my check each month. When I file my taxes, will I be able to get any of the money I’ve spent out on medical, prescriptions, hospitalizations? Reply Hi Angela, If you are able to itemize your tax deductions and your medical expenses exceed 10% of your adjusted gross income (7.5% if over 65), then you may be able to get a medical expense deduction for your expenses. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply How do children that are on their parents insurance prove they are insured? My son is 23 years old & i carry him on my insurance through my work, so his he does not pay for it I do. Reply Hi Ronda, Your employer provided insurance will be reported on your W-2 in box 12, if your son’s insurance is included with your employer-provided insurance it will be included there. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply What about taxpayers that have Medicare and a Medicare Supplement plan? Reply Hi Robert, Your Medicare will be reported on your SSA-1099. TurboTax will ask you if you have a SSA-1099 and ask you to enter the amounts on that form, which will show that you are covered. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply I’m a self employed Realtor and would like to know the steps I must take to average out my very good year I had this year–say, over the next several years. I understand that I must pay the tax of the total amt. I made–but is there a way I can average out the income over the next several years?? Reply Hi Joseph, Since taxes are based on one tax year and tax laws and threshold amounts vary from year to year you would have to use your income over one year and not several. You can average your income over one year when trying to figure out estimated taxes. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply My twin 22-year old (today) sons are in the Air National Guard and were on active duty 6 months this year. They’re also college students living at home. How do we account for them with the ACA? I’m a disabled veteran and am covered and we have NOT purchased any healthcare plan for my self-employed wife or the family as a whole, and DON’T intend to. Nobody’s been able to answer our question about how the ANG situation is treated — including our elected representative. They just don’t know. Reply Hi Randy, Because you are a veteran, your family is entitled to VA Health Benefits which will meet the Affordable Care Act requirements. Read more information here Also, check with TurboTax Health for more answers to your questions. Reply My sons are in the Air National Guard and were on active duty for 6 months in 2014. How is this treated with the ACA? As a disabled veteran I’m covered but we haven’t purchased a plan for my self-employed wife or college attending, ANG participating children – both age 21 for most of the year. Reply You didn’t mention Medicare or VA health Care. I have both between my wife and I. Reply Hi McChalium, You are correct. Thank you for bringing that to our attention. If you have Medicare that will be reported on your Form SSA-1099. TurboTax will ask you if you have Medicare reported on Form SSA-1099 so your taxes will reflect that you were insured. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply So those of us who have paid for insurance year after year through our employer doesn’t reap the benefit of a “premium tax credit”??? Thanks Obama! Reply You do not mention if Medicare recipients are qualified as insured. I and I am sure several others would like to know. Reply Hi Larry, Thank you. We will have to add that in the article. If you have Medicare, it will be reported on Form SSA-1099. TurboTax will ask you if you have that form and for amounts on that form so your tax return will reflect that you are covered. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply How about retired people on Social Security? Reply Hi Gary, If you are referring to those who are retired and get Medicaid or Medicare, that will be reflected on your Form SSA-1099. TurboTax will ask you if you have that form and for information from the form so that your tax return will reflect that you are covered based on your information entered. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply You left out Medicare and Medicaid. How are they reported with supplement? Reply why have you made no remarks about millions of people on Medicare and Medicaid what do they do why would you leave out 50 million people Reply Hi Rocky, Thank you. We will update our article. If you have Medicare and Medicaid that will be reported on Form SSA-1099. TurboTax will ask you if you have that form and for the information on the form. Your tax return will reflect that you have health insurance based on that information. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply TurboTax, kindly do NOT refer to the Affordable Care Act as the informal “Obamacare.” Coming from any professional business it is frankly rude and disingenuous. It identifies your business as a republican-based “person” aimed at derogatorily discrediting the President of the United States in any way it can. It’s not about Obama; it’s about our right-use behavior and conduct. Enough disrespect! Call it as it is properly named: The Affordable Care Act. Reply If you are on medicare, you will be checked yes? Reply Hi Richard, Yes, everyone will be asked if they have health insurance. If you are on Medicare you will receive a Form SSA-1099, which will indicate your Medicare insurance. TurboTax will ask if you have Form SSA-1099 and information from the form. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply TURBO T. AND GOVERNMENT NEEDS TO STAY OUT OF HEALTH CARE BUSINESS!!! GOVERNMENT WASTES ENOUGH MONEY WHEREAS IT SHOULD BE FREE FOR ALL LEGAL “AMERICANS”!!!!!!!! Reply Hi, We just need to inform people about how this impacts their taxes since the requirement to have and report health care on your taxes will begin with your 2014 taxes. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply what abount govt insurance like ahcccs? How do or will if I prove or will that even be needed? Reply What about having health care from the VA? Reply Great information! Reply I AM RETIRED AND ON MEDICARE, SO DO I HAVE TO ADD SOMETHING TO SHOW THIS OTHER THAN MY W2? Reply Hi Marvin, You may also receive Form SSA-1099 that will indicate Medicare. TurboTax will ask you if you received SSA-1099 and have you fill out information from the form. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply My understanding is that, if your employer is not above 50 employees, they are not required to provide a 1095-C to employees. How, then, will one provide proof for employer-provided insurance? Reply I think you then just need to fill out the 1095 yourself and put all the necessary info from your insurance on it. That’s my understanding. You can get this form, from turbo tax to fill out. Reply Hi Karen, TurboTax will not make you fill out forms. You would fill out information from any 1095-A that you receive if you purchased in the Health Insurance Marketplace. If you have employer provided insurance it may be indicated on your W-2 box 12. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Hi Ashley, I am a benefits consultant. All employers that provide employer-sponsored insurance must prepare a 1095-C. The requirement that you reference is the Employer Mandate, which states that employers with more than 50 full time equivalents *must* sponsor a benefits plan (or pay a penalty). Employers with less than 50 full-time equivalents do not *have* to offer benefits. But if they choose to do so, then they are still required to provide you with a 1095-C. Hope that helps, Rei Reply Hi, Employers and insurance providers that were required to supply forms 1095-B and 1095-C were given a break for 2015 and are not required to supply the two forms until 2016 for 2015 taxes. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis line 61 on the 1040 tax form is a simple check box. If you’ve had coverage the whole year then check it. no proof appears to be required at all. The IRS commissioner told me the IRS is viewing the process as “an honor system” and is asking that people fill it out as accurately as possible. The IRS is not currently capable of and will not be processing 1095-Bs or 1095-Cs even if they were generated this year. If the employer does not send in a 1095-C there is no way to audit your response anyway. Reply Per article, you don’t have to prove it, this year. Just a simple checkmark on form stating you have it. Reply They are not required to offer insurance, if they do offer it then they will provide you with the necessary forms. Reply Thanks for an easy-to-read straightforward article. Reply Leave a ReplyCancel reply Browse Related Articles Self-Employed Meet Moira Tax Planning TurboTax Enables Refund Advance to Taxpayers Investments Tax Benefits of Real Estate Investing Self-Employed Business Tax Checklist: What You’ll Need When Filing Uncategorized What Is Deferred Compensation & How Is It Taxed? Investments How Does an Inherited IRA Work? Work Choosing Your Business Structure: 5 Types of Businesses to Consider Tax Deductions and Credits Are HOA Fees Tax Deductible? 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I am 81 and have group retirment plan including Medicare, no premium required, my tax form 1040A does not want form SA1099 to be sent, but line 14a shows receipient of SS. I don’t use Trubo, do I check box 38 in 1041A Thank you kindly. Reply
I am currently separated from my husband however not fully divorced. (too expensive) he has me and my kids cover through his employer. Do I still need to buy my own medical coverage to avoid paying a penalty or I should be ok since he has me cover. Please advise. Thank you Reply
I will be checking the I have insurance box even though I don’t have insurance. If they want to put a 61 year old lady that makes under 14,000. a year in prison for lying go for it. I will get free lodging & food. Reply
Hello, I am 25 years of age and currently under my mothers work insurance. I filed my own taxes, how will or can I prove that I was insured? Reply
Hi i wanted to know if i claim my sisters children. As dependents my sister does not work but they live with me and they have medicad how will i show proof of this Reply
I have health Insurance through my employer. My 22 year old son is not my dependent for tax purposes but is covered under my policy. How will he be able to prove he has coverage? Reply
I Had insurance from Jan. 1 2014 until I was let go from my job on Dec. 22 2014. my insurance was cancelled on the day I was let go. Will a penalty be attached to my refund even though not having insurance now was not my decision? Reply
if you go without insurance for 3 consecutive months or longer. The tax penalty will be based on the number of months you go without coverage. You won’t be charged the tax penalty if you are uninsured for a period that occurs for 3 or fewer consecutive months. Reply
Our Family utilizes Christian Healthcare Ministries; any special things we have to do to prove we have coverage? Last year on TurboTax we were asked if we had/have Insurance. To which we answered yes. Same still? Reply
Our Family utilizes Christian Healthcare Ministries, do we have to provide a Form, Statement or otherwise? Reply
Hello, I had insurance for 10 months through the ACA healthcare marketplace. Then I turned 65 in November and qualified for Medicare. I currently pay Medicare and Medicare supplements monthly. How do I handle this mixed insurance situation on my tax filing in Turbo Tax this year? Thank you. Reply
Don’t really need to hear about the background of your commentators – just need an answer to a very basic and simple question. Can you just do that??????????? Reply
I am on social security disability. I pay for my medicare supplemental insurance. Social security does take out takes from my check each month. When I file my taxes, will I be able to get any of the money I’ve spent out on medical, prescriptions, hospitalizations? Reply
Hi Angela, If you are able to itemize your tax deductions and your medical expenses exceed 10% of your adjusted gross income (7.5% if over 65), then you may be able to get a medical expense deduction for your expenses. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply
How do children that are on their parents insurance prove they are insured? My son is 23 years old & i carry him on my insurance through my work, so his he does not pay for it I do. Reply
Hi Ronda, Your employer provided insurance will be reported on your W-2 in box 12, if your son’s insurance is included with your employer-provided insurance it will be included there. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply
Hi Robert, Your Medicare will be reported on your SSA-1099. TurboTax will ask you if you have a SSA-1099 and ask you to enter the amounts on that form, which will show that you are covered. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply
I’m a self employed Realtor and would like to know the steps I must take to average out my very good year I had this year–say, over the next several years. I understand that I must pay the tax of the total amt. I made–but is there a way I can average out the income over the next several years?? Reply
Hi Joseph, Since taxes are based on one tax year and tax laws and threshold amounts vary from year to year you would have to use your income over one year and not several. You can average your income over one year when trying to figure out estimated taxes. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply
My twin 22-year old (today) sons are in the Air National Guard and were on active duty 6 months this year. They’re also college students living at home. How do we account for them with the ACA? I’m a disabled veteran and am covered and we have NOT purchased any healthcare plan for my self-employed wife or the family as a whole, and DON’T intend to. Nobody’s been able to answer our question about how the ANG situation is treated — including our elected representative. They just don’t know. Reply
Hi Randy, Because you are a veteran, your family is entitled to VA Health Benefits which will meet the Affordable Care Act requirements. Read more information here Also, check with TurboTax Health for more answers to your questions. Reply
My sons are in the Air National Guard and were on active duty for 6 months in 2014. How is this treated with the ACA? As a disabled veteran I’m covered but we haven’t purchased a plan for my self-employed wife or college attending, ANG participating children – both age 21 for most of the year. Reply
Hi McChalium, You are correct. Thank you for bringing that to our attention. If you have Medicare that will be reported on your Form SSA-1099. TurboTax will ask you if you have Medicare reported on Form SSA-1099 so your taxes will reflect that you were insured. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply
So those of us who have paid for insurance year after year through our employer doesn’t reap the benefit of a “premium tax credit”??? Thanks Obama! Reply
You do not mention if Medicare recipients are qualified as insured. I and I am sure several others would like to know. Reply
Hi Larry, Thank you. We will have to add that in the article. If you have Medicare, it will be reported on Form SSA-1099. TurboTax will ask you if you have that form and for amounts on that form so your tax return will reflect that you are covered. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply
Hi Gary, If you are referring to those who are retired and get Medicaid or Medicare, that will be reflected on your Form SSA-1099. TurboTax will ask you if you have that form and for information from the form so that your tax return will reflect that you are covered based on your information entered. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply
why have you made no remarks about millions of people on Medicare and Medicaid what do they do why would you leave out 50 million people Reply
Hi Rocky, Thank you. We will update our article. If you have Medicare and Medicaid that will be reported on Form SSA-1099. TurboTax will ask you if you have that form and for the information on the form. Your tax return will reflect that you have health insurance based on that information. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply
TurboTax, kindly do NOT refer to the Affordable Care Act as the informal “Obamacare.” Coming from any professional business it is frankly rude and disingenuous. It identifies your business as a republican-based “person” aimed at derogatorily discrediting the President of the United States in any way it can. It’s not about Obama; it’s about our right-use behavior and conduct. Enough disrespect! Call it as it is properly named: The Affordable Care Act. Reply
Hi Richard, Yes, everyone will be asked if they have health insurance. If you are on Medicare you will receive a Form SSA-1099, which will indicate your Medicare insurance. TurboTax will ask if you have Form SSA-1099 and information from the form. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply
Hi, We just need to inform people about how this impacts their taxes since the requirement to have and report health care on your taxes will begin with your 2014 taxes. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply
Hi Marvin, You may also receive Form SSA-1099 that will indicate Medicare. TurboTax will ask you if you received SSA-1099 and have you fill out information from the form. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply
My understanding is that, if your employer is not above 50 employees, they are not required to provide a 1095-C to employees. How, then, will one provide proof for employer-provided insurance? Reply
I think you then just need to fill out the 1095 yourself and put all the necessary info from your insurance on it. That’s my understanding. You can get this form, from turbo tax to fill out. Reply
Hi Karen, TurboTax will not make you fill out forms. You would fill out information from any 1095-A that you receive if you purchased in the Health Insurance Marketplace. If you have employer provided insurance it may be indicated on your W-2 box 12. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis
Hi Ashley, I am a benefits consultant. All employers that provide employer-sponsored insurance must prepare a 1095-C. The requirement that you reference is the Employer Mandate, which states that employers with more than 50 full time equivalents *must* sponsor a benefits plan (or pay a penalty). Employers with less than 50 full-time equivalents do not *have* to offer benefits. But if they choose to do so, then they are still required to provide you with a 1095-C. Hope that helps, Rei Reply
Hi, Employers and insurance providers that were required to supply forms 1095-B and 1095-C were given a break for 2015 and are not required to supply the two forms until 2016 for 2015 taxes. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis
line 61 on the 1040 tax form is a simple check box. If you’ve had coverage the whole year then check it. no proof appears to be required at all. The IRS commissioner told me the IRS is viewing the process as “an honor system” and is asking that people fill it out as accurately as possible. The IRS is not currently capable of and will not be processing 1095-Bs or 1095-Cs even if they were generated this year. If the employer does not send in a 1095-C there is no way to audit your response anyway. Reply
Per article, you don’t have to prove it, this year. Just a simple checkmark on form stating you have it. Reply
They are not required to offer insurance, if they do offer it then they will provide you with the necessary forms. Reply