Health Care Affordable Care Act Update: New Information About Form 1095-A Read the Article Open Share Drawer Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to print (Opens in new window) Written by TurboTaxLisa Published Feb 20, 2015 - [Updated Jul 23, 2019] 2 min read This article was updated 3/4/15 to reflect IRS announcements to provide relief and allow you the choice of whether to amend your taxes or not if you receive a corrected Form 1095-A and already filed your 2014 taxes. If you purchased health insurance in the Health Insurance Marketplace for 2014 coverage, you should have received your Form 1095-A in the mail, which includes details of your insurance premium and tax credits that should be reported on your taxes. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced today, that a very small percentage of tax filers (less than 1%) who received health insurance through, and received tax credits to help them pay their premiums, may receive an updated Form 1095-A. Some of the original forms listed an incorrect benchmark plan amount used to determine the premium tax credit. Steps You Can Take if You Haven’t Filed Your Taxes and You Have Form 1095-A If you haven’t filed your taxes and you have Form 1095-A you can: Log into your account at to see if your form was affected. The majority of tax filers with Marketplace coverage that received a 1095-A are not affected. Look up the correct premium amount for your 2014 second lowest cost Silver plan (SLCSP) or call the Marketplace Call Center. Wait to receive your corrected 1095-A form if you are affected. When your corrected form is ready there will be a message sent to your Marketplace account. Steps You Can Take if You’ve Already Filed Your Taxes and You Have Form 1095-A The majority of people with Marketplace coverage through received a correct Form 1095-A and do not need an updated form. The IRS is providing relief to you if you received an incorrect Form 1095-A and have already filed your 2014 taxes by giving you the option to file an amended tax return. You are likely to benefit from amending your tax return if the 2015 monthly premium for your second lowest cost Silver plan indicated on your original Form 1095-A is less than the 2014 premium on your corrected form. For example, if your original form lists a premium of $100 for your plan and your updated form lists a premium of $200, you may want to amend your tax return. Remember, TurboTax does not charge our customers for amended returns. Additionally, TurboTax has created an express amend process for people who receive a corrected 1095-A. We have also created a step-by-step instruction guide to help you complete an amended return if necessary. As with all tax laws, TurboTax has you covered and is up to date with the latest tax laws. If you have more questions about the Affordable Care Act and Form 1095-A, you can get your questions answered at TurboTax Health. Check back with the blog for more updates regarding corrected Form 1095-A. Previous Post Good News For Uninsured Taxpayers! Affordable Care Act Open Enrollment… Next Post Good News For Uninsured Taxpayers! Affordable Care Act Open Enrollment… Written by Lisa Greene-Lewis Lisa has over 20 years of experience in tax preparation. Her success is attributed to being able to interpret tax laws and help clients better understand them. She has held positions as a public auditor, controller, and operations manager. Lisa has appeared on the Steve Harvey Show, the Ellen Show, and major news broadcast to break down tax laws and help taxpayers understand what tax laws mean to them. For Lisa, getting timely and accurate information out to taxpayers to help them keep more of their money is paramount. More from Lisa Greene-Lewis Follow Lisa Greene-Lewis on Twitter. 42 responses to “Affordable Care Act Update: New Information About Form 1095-A” Hi, my ex-wife received the 1095A and will not give it to me so that i can file the taxes. How can I obtain a copy for myself since i claim the children? Thank you! Reply I haven’t received my 1095-A form yet. What if I don’t get it by 4/15? Reply when going through TT online and I get to the Healthcare tab and go through the questionnaire, TT online reports I don’t owe the penalty. However going through the questionnaire on the website without going into the program online, it shows I will have a penalty. What is true? Reply Hi Lisa…..Can you tell me if the tax credits you get on your health insurance count as income on your tax forms ? I am really confused about this Reply Not happy with obma care did taxes forgot to enclude my 1098a form was gettin$1034 now submittd and it says I get 15 back anybody else with this problem.something is wrong with this pic.?.?. Reply I have a corrected 1095A form and I ended up having to give back $1788.00, I thought this was to help the people not make them pay back a portion of it. Reply I didn’t get my 1095-A form. I was insured only for 3 months. When I called marketplace they said that I don’t need (and I won’t get) this form… But I need to put something into my turbo tax. Reply Government mistake, no big deal to them; but to us law abiding tax payers — most of us are unable to wait for government’s correction. Just received a phone call today with message “if you had already filed your taxes, no need to worry about it” WAHT IS THIS ABOUT? We pay for government’s mistake?? Once again, totally unacceptable on government’s part. Reply I had a Covered California plan last year, February through December. Prior to that I was covered through my work. My income was too high to allow me to receive premium subsidies. I have not received a 1095A at all. Do I still need to wait to file my income tax? Reply i did not receive a 1095-a form and should have Reply What are the steps to take if you don’t have a 1095-a form? Please don’t say “check your marketplace account.” It is not there under “tax forms” . It has never been there. I am not waiting on a corrected form, there is NO form whatsoever. Please don’t say “contact the marketplace.” They told me on Feb 17th that they would “escalate” getting my 1095-a form to me in the next 30 days. Today, March 23rd, I called back to be told they would escalate it some more and to give them 14 business days (apparently they close on the weekends) which puts me at April 13th which is not acceptable. I saved all my invoices from BC/BS, will the IRS accept & process my return if I fill out the three columns myself? Thank You Reply How do I amend my tax return with the form 1095-A. I have already filed in February. and now need to amend it with this new 1095-A form Reply I received a letter from the is requesting a copy of just the 1095A form. The 1095A is correct and I do not think I need to amend. Where do I send the 1095A the is requested? In the envelope the is provided? Reply already did taxes and now I received a 1095A what do I do Reply I just today received my Corrected Form 1095-A. I filed my taxes a month ago! I will owe more money if I amend my return based on the corrected form. Do I have to amend my return? Reply What do you do if you you told the tax preparer that you have Blue Cross/Blue Shield Inusrance and he still made you pay the penalty of $95 for NOT having insurance and now I am waiting for a 1095 form that I dont even need. My tax return is held up for a month now because of this. Who do I tell or amend with or what??? I want my $ back!!!!!! Reply my father recently applied for the ACA this year and did not receive a 1095-a form; will it be okay to file without it? Reply I just received my corrected 1095-A today and using Turbo Tax to amend the return was a breeze but since I e-filed my returns back in early February using Turbo Tax, I now have to snail-mail my amended X1040, do I have to send my W2 & 1098 and other forms that I have that are usually used in with the original return or do I just have to send the X1040 along with the 1095-A corrected? Reply AM a Tar Preparer, with the 1095A incorrections I have been able to call the Market Place to get the correct number to the form, majority of cases Column B is affecteted. You can call this number to get this info 1800-706-7893 Reply I apologize for typing errors 🙂 but hope you all get the point. Good Luck!! Reply Lisa – Please help- regarding the “Penalty ” for 1095A. My Accountant who is in the process of filing my tax return for 2014 told me I will have to pay a $1,100. penalty because I Was enrolled in Access Health care plan starting July 1. (six months coverage). I called Access Health care and they said no, that if anyone has coverage for a MINIMUM of three months of 2014, they will NOT be penalized. Who is right? I cant file my return until this question is resolved. IRS says check with Access Health …. Access Health says check with IRS – yet my accountant has this preprinted form to file with my taxes which has the penalty included! I am so confused. Yet I have not heard of anyone else with this problem..?? Thanks for ANY help you can give. Diane Reply Hi Dianne, You will face a penalty if you are without insurance for more than 2 consecutive months so it sounds like you would face a tax penalty unless you can qualify for one of the 30 exemptions. You can see if you qualify here!/exemption-home Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply the irs say someone reported insurance for me and I should have a 1095a paper whatever that is I don’t have one how can I get one so my taxes can be processed Thank You Reply My family member lived with me for 11 months in 2014. I want to claim her as a dependent on my tax return. She did have affordable healthcare during 2014 So she received a 1095a form however when I enter that info on my taxes it automatically increases the amount that owe. I’ve gone on Google to try and research this new process unfortunately there’s too much info and not enough straightforward answers. My question is Can I claim her as a dependent and if so am I required to enter the marketplace premium tax credit? Edit Reply I just amended mine after i downloaded the corrected 1095-a form from My corrected SLCSP was lower. So after amending I owe the IRS 132$. Terrible. Reply It would have been far less expensive for everyone if the government had just GIVEN health insurance coverage to those really in need. Oh wait, they already do in the form of Medicaid. Now I’m waiting on my tax “refund” because of more incompetence. Just try to talk to a Healthcare Marketplace representative. In January of this year, I couldn’t find anyone there who even knew what “SLCSP” meant, much less the correct premium. What a way to run a railroad??? Oh wait, the government fouled that up too! Reply I just amended my federal return for the corrected 1095 A. Do I need to amend my state tax also or just my federal? Reply i never received a 1095a form yet, how do i go about getting one? Reply We are planning on filing mfs this time and my husband has 1095a and I have my own insurance thru work, can we still file separately? Reply yes my name is Judith ,and my boyfriends name is Rj Lincoln jr. and he has insurance with you . he has already filed his income tax for last year ,and they sent him a letter in the mail saying that he was missing his 1095A form for his income tax. could you please send this form to my Email At thank you I would greatly appreciate it. Mr. Lincoln does not have an email address. but you can use mine for any further inquires. Thank you Judith Spurlock Reply on the 1095a form I put income before exemption or after exemptio Reply we have an incorrect 1095-A what do we do to get it corrected so we can do our taxes, Reply Hi Yavonna, If you received an incorrect 1095-A, you should receive a corrected one any day now. They were supposed to go out the beginning of March. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply Yes haven’t gotton my as of March 16 and the IRS is giving us two weeks to send them a copy of them so could you please help me out here Rita Phipps Hi Rita, I would call your Marketplace or go to to check status on your corrected 1095-A form. Once you receive it you will be able to file with TurboTax if you haven’t already filed. If you filed and your return was already accepted you can use these instructions to amend Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Is their a first time home buyer credit for filing 2014 income tax Reply Hi Linda, No the first time home buyer credit benefit ended and is not available in 2014. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply I can’t ever win the lottery, but I CAN be one of the 800,000! Already filed my taxes too. I was only in the marketplace for one month in 2014, now I can’t get my refund until all this is cleared up?? I wonder if they will be paying me interest on my money they are holding……… Reply I am one of thos 5% that already had filed with an incorrect 1095a now I am in limbo with an answer of I may or may not have to file an ammended return. Really? Cannot two government agencies handle this internally? It will be months before I see my return. I am completely disgusted. I used the tool to figure out what the correct amount was supposed to be in column B of the 1095a. It’s a $2.90 dicrepancy. I am being made to wait upteen months over $2.90. This is pathetic and ridiculous. If I owed the IRS that they would come at me with guns blazing, penalties, interest, etc. But when they owe you it’s sorry your s.o.l. until we figure out the slowest way possible to help you. Reply I am in the same boat! Very frustrating! My return was accepted on January 22, 2015, and now I have to wait until the marketplace sends out the corrected 1095’s in early March!!!! + Reply Early March? Not in 2 more days….. incorrect affordable care tax forms that were wrong might be a small percentage, but the number is actually 800,000 Reply Leave a ReplyCancel reply Browse Related Articles Self-Employed Meet Moira Tax Planning TurboTax Enables Refund Advance to Taxpayers Investments Tax Benefits of Real Estate Investing Self-Employed Business Tax Checklist: What You’ll Need When Filing Uncategorized What Is Deferred Compensation & How Is It Taxed? Investments How Does an Inherited IRA Work? Work Choosing Your Business Structure: 5 Types of Businesses to Consider Tax Deductions and Credits Are HOA Fees Tax Deductible? What You Need to Know Crypto Understanding Crypto and Capital Gains Work 7 Things You Need to Know About the New Business Reporting Rules
Hi, my ex-wife received the 1095A and will not give it to me so that i can file the taxes. How can I obtain a copy for myself since i claim the children? Thank you! Reply
when going through TT online and I get to the Healthcare tab and go through the questionnaire, TT online reports I don’t owe the penalty. However going through the questionnaire on the website without going into the program online, it shows I will have a penalty. What is true? Reply
Hi Lisa…..Can you tell me if the tax credits you get on your health insurance count as income on your tax forms ? I am really confused about this Reply
Not happy with obma care did taxes forgot to enclude my 1098a form was gettin$1034 now submittd and it says I get 15 back anybody else with this problem.something is wrong with this pic.?.?. Reply
I have a corrected 1095A form and I ended up having to give back $1788.00, I thought this was to help the people not make them pay back a portion of it. Reply
I didn’t get my 1095-A form. I was insured only for 3 months. When I called marketplace they said that I don’t need (and I won’t get) this form… But I need to put something into my turbo tax. Reply
Government mistake, no big deal to them; but to us law abiding tax payers — most of us are unable to wait for government’s correction. Just received a phone call today with message “if you had already filed your taxes, no need to worry about it” WAHT IS THIS ABOUT? We pay for government’s mistake?? Once again, totally unacceptable on government’s part. Reply
I had a Covered California plan last year, February through December. Prior to that I was covered through my work. My income was too high to allow me to receive premium subsidies. I have not received a 1095A at all. Do I still need to wait to file my income tax? Reply
What are the steps to take if you don’t have a 1095-a form? Please don’t say “check your marketplace account.” It is not there under “tax forms” . It has never been there. I am not waiting on a corrected form, there is NO form whatsoever. Please don’t say “contact the marketplace.” They told me on Feb 17th that they would “escalate” getting my 1095-a form to me in the next 30 days. Today, March 23rd, I called back to be told they would escalate it some more and to give them 14 business days (apparently they close on the weekends) which puts me at April 13th which is not acceptable. I saved all my invoices from BC/BS, will the IRS accept & process my return if I fill out the three columns myself? Thank You Reply
How do I amend my tax return with the form 1095-A. I have already filed in February. and now need to amend it with this new 1095-A form Reply
I received a letter from the is requesting a copy of just the 1095A form. The 1095A is correct and I do not think I need to amend. Where do I send the 1095A the is requested? In the envelope the is provided? Reply
I just today received my Corrected Form 1095-A. I filed my taxes a month ago! I will owe more money if I amend my return based on the corrected form. Do I have to amend my return? Reply
What do you do if you you told the tax preparer that you have Blue Cross/Blue Shield Inusrance and he still made you pay the penalty of $95 for NOT having insurance and now I am waiting for a 1095 form that I dont even need. My tax return is held up for a month now because of this. Who do I tell or amend with or what??? I want my $ back!!!!!! Reply
my father recently applied for the ACA this year and did not receive a 1095-a form; will it be okay to file without it? Reply
I just received my corrected 1095-A today and using Turbo Tax to amend the return was a breeze but since I e-filed my returns back in early February using Turbo Tax, I now have to snail-mail my amended X1040, do I have to send my W2 & 1098 and other forms that I have that are usually used in with the original return or do I just have to send the X1040 along with the 1095-A corrected? Reply
AM a Tar Preparer, with the 1095A incorrections I have been able to call the Market Place to get the correct number to the form, majority of cases Column B is affecteted. You can call this number to get this info 1800-706-7893 Reply
Lisa – Please help- regarding the “Penalty ” for 1095A. My Accountant who is in the process of filing my tax return for 2014 told me I will have to pay a $1,100. penalty because I Was enrolled in Access Health care plan starting July 1. (six months coverage). I called Access Health care and they said no, that if anyone has coverage for a MINIMUM of three months of 2014, they will NOT be penalized. Who is right? I cant file my return until this question is resolved. IRS says check with Access Health …. Access Health says check with IRS – yet my accountant has this preprinted form to file with my taxes which has the penalty included! I am so confused. Yet I have not heard of anyone else with this problem..?? Thanks for ANY help you can give. Diane Reply
Hi Dianne, You will face a penalty if you are without insurance for more than 2 consecutive months so it sounds like you would face a tax penalty unless you can qualify for one of the 30 exemptions. You can see if you qualify here!/exemption-home Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply
the irs say someone reported insurance for me and I should have a 1095a paper whatever that is I don’t have one how can I get one so my taxes can be processed Thank You Reply
My family member lived with me for 11 months in 2014. I want to claim her as a dependent on my tax return. She did have affordable healthcare during 2014 So she received a 1095a form however when I enter that info on my taxes it automatically increases the amount that owe. I’ve gone on Google to try and research this new process unfortunately there’s too much info and not enough straightforward answers. My question is Can I claim her as a dependent and if so am I required to enter the marketplace premium tax credit? Edit Reply
I just amended mine after i downloaded the corrected 1095-a form from My corrected SLCSP was lower. So after amending I owe the IRS 132$. Terrible. Reply
It would have been far less expensive for everyone if the government had just GIVEN health insurance coverage to those really in need. Oh wait, they already do in the form of Medicaid. Now I’m waiting on my tax “refund” because of more incompetence. Just try to talk to a Healthcare Marketplace representative. In January of this year, I couldn’t find anyone there who even knew what “SLCSP” meant, much less the correct premium. What a way to run a railroad??? Oh wait, the government fouled that up too! Reply
I just amended my federal return for the corrected 1095 A. Do I need to amend my state tax also or just my federal? Reply
We are planning on filing mfs this time and my husband has 1095a and I have my own insurance thru work, can we still file separately? Reply
yes my name is Judith ,and my boyfriends name is Rj Lincoln jr. and he has insurance with you . he has already filed his income tax for last year ,and they sent him a letter in the mail saying that he was missing his 1095A form for his income tax. could you please send this form to my Email At thank you I would greatly appreciate it. Mr. Lincoln does not have an email address. but you can use mine for any further inquires. Thank you Judith Spurlock Reply
Hi Yavonna, If you received an incorrect 1095-A, you should receive a corrected one any day now. They were supposed to go out the beginning of March. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply
Yes haven’t gotton my as of March 16 and the IRS is giving us two weeks to send them a copy of them so could you please help me out here Rita Phipps
Hi Rita, I would call your Marketplace or go to to check status on your corrected 1095-A form. Once you receive it you will be able to file with TurboTax if you haven’t already filed. If you filed and your return was already accepted you can use these instructions to amend Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis
Hi Linda, No the first time home buyer credit benefit ended and is not available in 2014. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply
I can’t ever win the lottery, but I CAN be one of the 800,000! Already filed my taxes too. I was only in the marketplace for one month in 2014, now I can’t get my refund until all this is cleared up?? I wonder if they will be paying me interest on my money they are holding……… Reply
I am one of thos 5% that already had filed with an incorrect 1095a now I am in limbo with an answer of I may or may not have to file an ammended return. Really? Cannot two government agencies handle this internally? It will be months before I see my return. I am completely disgusted. I used the tool to figure out what the correct amount was supposed to be in column B of the 1095a. It’s a $2.90 dicrepancy. I am being made to wait upteen months over $2.90. This is pathetic and ridiculous. If I owed the IRS that they would come at me with guns blazing, penalties, interest, etc. But when they owe you it’s sorry your s.o.l. until we figure out the slowest way possible to help you. Reply
I am in the same boat! Very frustrating! My return was accepted on January 22, 2015, and now I have to wait until the marketplace sends out the corrected 1095’s in early March!!!! + Reply
incorrect affordable care tax forms that were wrong might be a small percentage, but the number is actually 800,000 Reply