10 Things You Need to Know About Filing a Tax Extension (1440 x 600 px)
10 Things You Need to Know About Filing a Tax Extension (411 x 600 px)

5 Things You Need to Know About Filing a Tax Extension

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Many people believe that a tax extension is somewhat of a cure-all. Don’t have the money to pay taxes? File an extension. Still trying to get everything in order? File an extension. Despite what it may sound like, the tax extension isn’t really a “cure-all”. Here are 5 important facts about filing a tax extension that you need to know before you file.

1. An Extension Isn’t an Extension to Pay

The word “extension” is somewhat misleading. When you file a tax extension, you’ll get six extra months to file your taxes. Sounds reasonable, but keep reading. The keywords here are “extra months to file your taxes.” A tax extension does not extend the deadline to pay any taxes that you may owe to the IRS. Sound backwards? Not what you expected? Welcome to enlightenment, my friend. If you file an extension, you will still have to pay any taxes due by the normal tax deadline. So before you file an extension assuming you’ve got 6 extra months to pay your taxes, think again.

2. The Penalty is in the Eye of the Filer

In sports, penalties are up to the discretion of the referee. When it comes to tax time, the IRS wears the zebra stripes. Although technically you’re not penalized or charged a fee for submitting the tax extension paperwork – Form 4868 – there could still be a downside to filing an extension.

If you file an extension, but you’ve got a good grasp on your situation and you are pretty sure a tax refund is in your future this year, then you really have nothing to worry about. The government will hold onto your tax refund until you get your paperwork sorted out during your extension period. Once you file, you’ll get your tax refund.

But the rules change a bit if you end up owing taxes to the IRS. If you file an extension but you choose not to pay what you owe by the tax deadline, the IRS will charge you a failure-to-pay penalty and interest on the taxes that you owe them.

3. You Can Request An Extension Using TurboTax

Many people still believe that the only way to file for an extension is the old-school paper method. However, you can request an extension for free using TurboTax Easy Extension. Just make sure to go online and file for an extension by the tax deadline. You will also receive an email confirmation when your tax extension is accepted.

4. Your Reasons Usually Don’t Outweigh the Benefits

Unless there are certain pieces of paperwork you’re waiting to arrive in the mail, an extension probably won’t deliver the benefits you might expect. If you’ve procrastinated during tax season, the solution isn’t an extension. You could end up costing yourself more money and more frustration by asking for more time. The best piece of advice is to buckle down, gather your documents and go online and file.

5. No Extension for IRA Contributions

Lastly, if you think you’ve found an IRA-contribution loophole in the tax process, think again. An extension to file does not extend the time you can make an IRA contribution and get a tax deduction for your contribution on your 2018 taxes. The deadline to make an IRA contribution for 2018 is the April 15, the tax deadline.

Still need to file? You still have time and TurboTax makes it easy. TurboTax ask simple questions and gives you the tax deductions and credits you are eligible for based on your answers. Also, if you have a question, you can connect live via one-way video to a TurboTax Live CPA or Enrolled Agent to any answer you need from the comfort of your couch. A TurboTax Live CPA or Enrolled Agent can also review, sign, and file your tax return — and you don’t even have to change out of your pajamas!

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