Announcements Where’s my refund? Read the Article Open Share Drawer Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to print (Opens in new window) Written by TurboTaxBlogTeam Published Jan 27, 2010 - [Updated Feb 16, 2012] 2 min read Important IRS Update: Some taxpayers who filed electronically and received an acknowledgement from the IRS are concerned when they visit “Where’s My Refund” and are told that IRS has no information regarding their tax return. The IRS informed us on February 10 that this is a temporary situation and should be resolved in several days. At that time, you will be able to get an expected refund date when you visit “Where’s My Refund.” This is an IRS issue and impacts returns regardless of who sends them in to the IRS. This is not a TurboTax issue. If you have received an acknowledgement of your tax return from the IRS, then the IRS assures us they have received your return and are processing it. Information on the status of your refund will be updated in “Where’s My Refund” once your return processes. This is a temporary situation, and we expect to resolve the matter in a few days. IRS expects the vast majority of tax refunds to continue to be issued within the historical range of 10 to 21 days. Also, please see additional information on this link: The IRS has updated it’s Where’s My Refund site with additional FAQs:,,id=254102,00.html Good question. In fact, it’s one of the most common questions we get at TurboTax. And no wonder. If you’re getting money back, you obviously want to know when it’ll be in your bank account. While the IRS explicitly states it doesn’t guarantee a specific date for depositing a refund, the general rule of thumb for e-filed returns with direct deposit is this: if you e-file your return by noon Thursdays, you’ll see your refund deposit the following Friday. If you e-filed between Jan. 15 and Jan. 21 and opted for direct deposit, the IRS says it should be in your bank account on Jan. 29. If you chose to get a paper check, that will be mailed Feb. 5. If you want a specific answer, just go to Where’s My Refund? You’ll need to provide some simple information from your tax return: • Your Social Security Number (or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number) • Your Filing Status • The exact dollar amount of your refund E-filers can get their refund information 72 hours after the IRS acknowledges your return has been accepted. So, if you e-file your return on Jan. 30 and you’re still waiting for your refund on Feb. 30, you know there’s a problem. Time to give the IRS a jingle. You can get your refund status information by calling 1-800-829-1954 or 1-800-829-4477. Previous Post Why Intuit Believes in Free File Next Post What the Middle Class Tax Credits Could Mean for You Written by TurboTaxBlogTeam More from TurboTaxBlogTeam 560 responses to “Where’s my refund?” « Older Comments Newer Comments » Another delayed return- I read somewhere that I should have recieved an e-mail- didn’t, must have been a malfunction…LOL. I’ve used this software for about (7) years, personal and business. This is really unfortunate. I was already questioning how the returns have increased over the years from (4) or so days to a 1/2 of a month. Who gets the extra interest from all this money being invested in some other account for this time? Hmmm- Reply My return was filed and accepted on Jan.25, 2011. The DD date was set for 2/4. Of course, it was never deposited. Sometimes my status comes up on WMR and sometimes it doesn’t. When it does, it only states my refund date has been changed due to processing errors and should receive it by 2/22. Well, I just got off the phone with an IRS rep who said that my check wouldn’t be mailed out until 2/25 and I should have it by 3/11. This is BS! Mailed out a month later after e-filing? I hope no one else has to wait as long as I do. Reply I also received the error about turbo tax messing up my refund for direct deposit on the 4th….it is now the 14th and I still have no refund I would seriously advise against anyone using turbo tax for any tax preparation services….I understand mistakes happen but this is not acceptable from a company as large as this. Reply While my direct deposit arrived on time the amount was a little over half of my total refund. Ugh. Is anyone else seeing this? Is this related to the processing issue being reported on this blog site? Reply Hi Half_Refund_Half_Satisfied, This may help. Sometimes the IRS may take some of your refund out before sending it to you for various reasons. Some of those reasons are outlined in the FAQ below. Thanks, Chelsea with TurboTax Reply I was affected by the processing error. I mean, you would think that the IRS would cut you the check and mail it out the same day that it was expected to be in your account. But A week later. Really? Now my refund isn’t going to come for almost 3 weeks later than the orginal due date. Bull! Reply I was also affected by the recent processing error. This has caused not only financial but relationship issues with my landlord. While it’s not wise to spend your money before its in your hands at times it’s necessary. I had planned to pay several mounting bills due to recent hardships. Now not only do I not have the money to pay the bills but even faced eviction from my landlord for sadly being late on this month’s rent. This has long reaching effects not just on those who trusted to file their taxes with you but for the people we owe the money to. I am so very distraught over this situation and do not plan to EVER use Turbo Tax again. I also plan to make sure any friends or family member stay far away from Turbo Tax as possible. The company should truly be ashamed. Reply I filled out my my taxes with turbo tax online on the jan.22 and they said it would be on my card on feb.4th and but the irs said it will be mailed on feb.11th and now here is it is the 12th if i have called trubotax they said they made a error depositing the check on my card so they told me on that they was sending me a paper check and it would be here on the 11th cause the mailed it on the 4th but everybody and there mama knows it only takes 2to3 days send mail to one place to another IF I DON’T GET MY REFUND ON MONDAY FEB.14TH MY LAWYER WILL BE CONTACTING YOUR MAIN OFFICE FOR LEGAL ACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL NEVER IN MY LIFE USE TURBOTAX AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reply Hi Jenny, Here is an IRS article, explaining why your refund amount might be different. Hope this helps. Ashley Reply Hi Karma, Unfortunately, there is no way to change your refund to direct deposit once the IRS has processed it. Ashley Reply Hi Eric, Did you itemize deductions on your return or claim the Higher Education Tuition and Fees Deduction or Educators Expense Deduction? If you did, you are affected by the IRS processing delays and the IRS won’t accept your return until Feb. 14 so your return won’t show in their system. If you don’t think you are affected by the processing delays, here is an FAQ that might help you out: Hope this helps. Ashley Reply Hi Jennifer, Check out this IRS article. It explains why the IRS would take money out of your refund. Hope it helps. Ashley Reply Hi douglas wisdom, If you entered the wrong routing number or bank account number, the IRS will mail you a refund check. Here is an article with more information: Ashley Reply i entered the wrong account number for my tax return what do i need to do so that i can get my refund Reply Hello. I received part of my refund, but not all of it. I do qualify for the higher education/tuition fees deduction, but it makes no sense to only get part of my refund. If it is because of the delay, would I have gotten a portion of my refund, and the rest will come later? Reply Like many of you Turbotax has really put me in a jam! It’s not the IRS’ fault. I paid Turbotax to file my taxes and they failed! Just like others commented, I also DID NOT recieve any e-mail for Turbotax stating their error. I only found out because I was due to get my direct deposit TODAY (Feb 11th). Now because of their error, I am panicking! I am set to move out of my old Apt next week, and into my new one next week. Now I don’t have the money to pay the pro-rated rent, 1st month’s rent, electricity deposit, movers fees and much more. When is my check going to be MAILED….February 18th (next friday) does me no good!!!! I don’t know what I’m going to do. When I finally got a hold of someone at Turbotax, they wanted to offer me a free filing for next year! Why would I ever want to do business with them again?! THEY SCREWED UP and I may not have a place to live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reply Filed with TurboTax on Jan. 23rd with an estimated return date of Feb. 4th. Still no indication when checking the IRS website that they’ve received anything. I get the “We are sorry, we cannot provide any information about your refund.” message. Is this an indication that I am part of the direct deposit to mailed check debacle? If so, I never received an email from TurboTax indicating I was affected. Reply You guys totally screwed people over by having some stupid computer error and not sending over the bank account info to the IRS. Not only will mine be mailed on Feb 18th but it takes 5 days to get to my house. Thanks a lot now we’ll be celebrating valentines day with top ramen and some Kool aid. I’ve used you for years this sucks. Reply I am also facing a “processing” delay. Not of my fault. Not really fair at all, but what can I do about it? Reply Hello I filled through turbo tax and my i was supposed to get it into my account by You should expect your refund of $2,954 less fees of $141.85 to be direct deposited into your account on or around 02/11/2011. Now i get this message on the IRS saying they will mail my check.. Your tax refund is scheduled to be mailed on February 18, 2011. If you do not receive the refund by March 18, 2011, please contact us again. We are unable to take any action until then. is there any way they can direct deposit into my account thanks Karma Reply I filed 1/14 and TurboTax showed me as Accepted on 1/16. Soon after, IRS gave me a DD date of “by February 1st.” Didn’t happen. I have got a few different messages since, and am now very worried. Latest is Code 8002. I checked back at TurboTax today to find that my refund amount of $8,691 was now showing as only over $6,800 and New York was down about $500 as well. Really strange, as the info is still showing for this year and different than from my 2009 return – AGI, dependents, etc. All but the original refund amount. Anything you can tell me will be much appreciated. I need this refund badly, ASAP, and, I HATE using the phone. Thanks! Reply Hi Cheryl, Did you have one or more of the following deductions or forms on your return? – Itemized (schedule A form) – Higher Education Tuition and Fees deduction (you or one of your dependents are in college) – Educator Expense Deduction (you are a teacher) If you did, the IRS will not be processing your return until Feb 14. Because of this, they will not show a record of your return until Feb 14, which would explain why you are not seeing it in the IRS Where’s My Refund tool. Hope this helps. Ashley Reply Hi Chelle, If you did not get notified, it means that your refund is not affected by the delay we mentioned below. The IRS continually updates their estimates of when you can expect your refund. I would check this IRS tool to get an updated date of when to expect your refund:,,id=96596,00.html Hope this helps. Ashley Reply Hi Michelle, If it has been longer than 10 days and you haven’t received your Refund Card, please call Customer Service at 1-866-963-1620 and select the option to report a card lost, stolen or never received. They should be able to help you out there. Ashley Reply Hi Carla, Sorry you haven’t received your refund yet. The Feb 4 date that TurboTax gives you, is an estimate based off of IRS estimates. The IRS does update their estimates though and its possible that they are estimating a little longer now. We understand that your refund is important, but once you file there is nothing we can do at TurboTax. It is in the IRS’s hands. Hope this helps. Ashley Reply I filed on January 28th and Turbo Tax said I would be getting my refund direct deposited into my accound by February 4th…it’s the 8th and I haven’t seen anything yet? Where’s my refund?! I tried to do the things on the IRS website but it said it can’t find my information? I will never use Turbo Tax again. Only HR Block from now on. Reply I am totally upset with TurboTax for not informing the public regarding their refund delay issue. They knew about the problem and yet allowed us to file with them under FALSE pretences. I also have NOT received any email from TT regarding my refund date AND am also one which the IRS states my tax file does not exist. IT’S BEEN 8 DAYS SINCE FILING WITH TT !!! Reply TurboTax screws up: E-filers wait for their refunds due to processing error Reply I also didn’t get my deposit. I filed with TT and had estimated deposit date of Feb 4. Nothing. No email from turbotax about the delay. Can you find out why I didn’t get notified? Reply i filed my taxes on the 21st of jan and recieved it feb 4 but i never got my turbotax card. i dont want another card because this is ridicoulous. i want to know who i need to talk to about getting my money off a card i cant even get and get it into my bank account. Reply You all should have used H&R Blcok. It is completely FREE and they didn’t screw up anyone’s tax return causing them a hard ship…… Just sayin’. Reply Hi Alanea, We are very sorry for the inconvenience and unexpected delay of your refund. You should have received an e-mail from us last week explaining what happened and apologizing for the delay. I will look into why you didn’t. Again, we are very sorry. Ashley Reply Hi Takiya, A processing error caused TurboTax to not transmit bank information required for direct deposit to IRS. But all other aspects of return were transmitted. This does not affect the accuracy of your return in any way nor the refund amount. Again, very sorry for the inconvenience and unexpected delays. Ashley Reply HI Anthony, Check out this IRS article. It explains why they would take money out of your refund. Hope it helps. Ashley Reply I e-file my taxes on Jan 21. they were received and accepted the same day. I opt for direct deposit and I have not received my refund. I went to the IRS website to check the status, but it doesn’t have any information at this time for my refund. So I have no date provided or any information regarding my refund. I even called the number and still no info. So do I have to wait another week, month..??? Reply I love that TurboTax claims they emailed or directly contacted everyone effected. Thats is NOT true. I was surprised to find my refund had not been issued, and just found out when i went to the IRS website that i was being MAILED a check. I went through all my emails, nothing from TurboTax, Intuit, or santa barbara bank. No phone calls. Nothing. Thanks to TurboTax making this mistake, i will now not only be unable to pay my bills that are due, but i will also have to postpone my sons birthday party. Not to mention that the IRS is saying it will be 3 WEEKS before they even bother to issue my check. Im going to be making some calls at the IRS and see if i can somehow amend my return for direct deposit. We will see. And TurboTax, im still waiting for you to tell me you screwed me over. Reply turbotax gave me an amount i was getting back after i filed and i didnt get but like half of my federal? please help thanks. Reply my taxes were rcvd and accecpted 1.22, I was to recieve my refund today 2.4 however I did not. Where;s my refund up until this morning stated it was in process now it says there is no information for me. Did I do something wrong? I am extremely confused and to be honest worried. This is my first year doing it here, and now I am panicing I did something wrong. This is also the year I got the largest refund. Can anyone help me understand?? and what can I do to fix it. If I made a mistake what happens do I just pay back an overpayment or what? Reply I have been inconvenienced by this direct deposit error as well. I know there is nothing That can be done now, but I would like to know what exactly the error is/was? I am a loyal turbo tax user for over 10 years and this is the first time I have ever been less than satisfied with the service. Reply Hi Chris G., We are very sorry for the inconvenience and unexpected delay. Yes, your Audit Defense fees will be waived. You will still be covered in the case of an audit. Ashley Reply I too was stung by the DD bug and am fairly mad. My question is…what about those of us who ordered audit support with our DD will those fee’s be waived as well? or if we do happened to get audited will we find out then that we are not covered. Reply i was just wondering about this email i got from santa barbara tax group that says You are receiving this email because you used TurboTax to prepare and file your tax return and you requested University National Bank to process your income tax refund and pay your TurboTax user fees from your refund. University National Bank expects to receive your IRS refund on 02/11/2011. Please log on to our Internet site at at that time to check on the status of your refund. but when i put my SSN and everything its says the page does not exist so is this email a scam or what??? cause i wanna know if turbotax gave out my email or anything else or am i just freaking over nothing lol Reply Hi Heather, We’re aware that some customers who chose to have their refund direct deposited are instead getting their refund by check through the mail. This was our mistake. We’re sorry for the inconvenience and unexpected delay. We are communicating directly with affected customers and of course, we’re waiving all their TurboTax fees. We know that getting your maximum refund back fast is one of the reasons you choose TurboTax. We did not meet that expectation and have taken steps to ensure this doesn’t happen again. Ashley Reply Hi Krystal, I am sorry you haven’t gotten your refund yet. You can find out when you can expect to get it by going to this IRS tool.,,id=96596,00.html Hope this helps. Ashley Reply This is the first year I have used turbotax. Never again. My refund was done on the 20th and accepted on the 21st. I chose direct deposit and opted to have the fees taken from my check. I checked the irs website this morning as my refund is supposed to be deposited this Friday and it says my check is going to be mailed next Friday! I call the IRS and they stated there is no evidence in the papers that were filed showing I asked for DD. I called Santa Barbara bank and they said my refund should be deposited this Friday and just don’t worry. So, I call Turbotax and they tell me the IRS must have made a mistake and call them back. I called the IRS back and they said if it is an e-file, they don’t even type in any information from me. It all comes from the forms that turbotax sends. This means, turbotax didn’t include my dd information. I have always used HR block and had no problems. This was a big mistake using turbotax this year! I will never ever use them again! This is absolutely awful! I need this money on Friday and now it will be another 2 weeks or more before I get it. Thanks again, turbotax! Reply I was supposed to get my refund between the 22-28 and i still have not gotten it. I opted to have mine pit on the card and i can’t track my money or any thing. This is my 2nd year using turbo tax and i do not plan on using it again. Reply I can see that you put allot of time and effort into your blog and I admire the detailed information that you have been posting. I will bookmark your blog and come back to read for more! Thanks for a great read! Reply Does anyone have a number for the IRS to get in touch with an actual person? My refund was showing in on “Where’s my Refund” last week as accepted, and said I should receive by June 22…but this week it is not showing up at all, no trace…. Reply I have error code 1201 on the IRS status. My refund date was around 04/16/2010. I still have not received my return and have had no luck getting in contact with the IRS to see what the hold up is. 1201 seems to be a generic error code. Is there anything you guys can do to assist me with this issue? Thanks, Andy Reply Hi Readers: Just wanted to let you know that after waiting from Jan 29 until now May 14, that I finally received my direct deposit. Like I told you earlier I was assigned an advocate after calling every week since Jan 29th. Once they assigned me an advocate she called me on April 15, then it took almost another month before she finally got the job done. So keep calling every week. Good luck Reply I went through that Metabank thing, too, and I was supposed to get my refund on the 30th and didn’t. I don’t know why because of course it’s impossible to contact anyone to ask where my money is. I’m fuming mad and will NEVER use Turbo Tax again. This is the first year I’ve had a problem with them, but this is the IRS and my bank account. Never again. Reply « Older Comments Newer Comments » Leave a ReplyCancel reply Browse Related Articles Self-Employed Meet Moira Tax Planning TurboTax Enables Refund Advance to Taxpayers Investments Tax Benefits of Real Estate Investing Self-Employed Business Tax Checklist: What You’ll Need When Filing Uncategorized What Is Deferred Compensation & How Is It Taxed? 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Another delayed return- I read somewhere that I should have recieved an e-mail- didn’t, must have been a malfunction…LOL. I’ve used this software for about (7) years, personal and business. This is really unfortunate. I was already questioning how the returns have increased over the years from (4) or so days to a 1/2 of a month. Who gets the extra interest from all this money being invested in some other account for this time? Hmmm- Reply
My return was filed and accepted on Jan.25, 2011. The DD date was set for 2/4. Of course, it was never deposited. Sometimes my status comes up on WMR and sometimes it doesn’t. When it does, it only states my refund date has been changed due to processing errors and should receive it by 2/22. Well, I just got off the phone with an IRS rep who said that my check wouldn’t be mailed out until 2/25 and I should have it by 3/11. This is BS! Mailed out a month later after e-filing? I hope no one else has to wait as long as I do. Reply
I also received the error about turbo tax messing up my refund for direct deposit on the 4th….it is now the 14th and I still have no refund I would seriously advise against anyone using turbo tax for any tax preparation services….I understand mistakes happen but this is not acceptable from a company as large as this. Reply
While my direct deposit arrived on time the amount was a little over half of my total refund. Ugh. Is anyone else seeing this? Is this related to the processing issue being reported on this blog site? Reply
Hi Half_Refund_Half_Satisfied, This may help. Sometimes the IRS may take some of your refund out before sending it to you for various reasons. Some of those reasons are outlined in the FAQ below. Thanks, Chelsea with TurboTax Reply
I was affected by the processing error. I mean, you would think that the IRS would cut you the check and mail it out the same day that it was expected to be in your account. But A week later. Really? Now my refund isn’t going to come for almost 3 weeks later than the orginal due date. Bull! Reply
I was also affected by the recent processing error. This has caused not only financial but relationship issues with my landlord. While it’s not wise to spend your money before its in your hands at times it’s necessary. I had planned to pay several mounting bills due to recent hardships. Now not only do I not have the money to pay the bills but even faced eviction from my landlord for sadly being late on this month’s rent. This has long reaching effects not just on those who trusted to file their taxes with you but for the people we owe the money to. I am so very distraught over this situation and do not plan to EVER use Turbo Tax again. I also plan to make sure any friends or family member stay far away from Turbo Tax as possible. The company should truly be ashamed. Reply
I filled out my my taxes with turbo tax online on the jan.22 and they said it would be on my card on feb.4th and but the irs said it will be mailed on feb.11th and now here is it is the 12th if i have called trubotax they said they made a error depositing the check on my card so they told me on that they was sending me a paper check and it would be here on the 11th cause the mailed it on the 4th but everybody and there mama knows it only takes 2to3 days send mail to one place to another IF I DON’T GET MY REFUND ON MONDAY FEB.14TH MY LAWYER WILL BE CONTACTING YOUR MAIN OFFICE FOR LEGAL ACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL NEVER IN MY LIFE USE TURBOTAX AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reply
Hi Jenny, Here is an IRS article, explaining why your refund amount might be different. Hope this helps. Ashley Reply
Hi Karma, Unfortunately, there is no way to change your refund to direct deposit once the IRS has processed it. Ashley Reply
Hi Eric, Did you itemize deductions on your return or claim the Higher Education Tuition and Fees Deduction or Educators Expense Deduction? If you did, you are affected by the IRS processing delays and the IRS won’t accept your return until Feb. 14 so your return won’t show in their system. If you don’t think you are affected by the processing delays, here is an FAQ that might help you out: Hope this helps. Ashley Reply
Hi Jennifer, Check out this IRS article. It explains why the IRS would take money out of your refund. Hope it helps. Ashley Reply
Hi douglas wisdom, If you entered the wrong routing number or bank account number, the IRS will mail you a refund check. Here is an article with more information: Ashley Reply
i entered the wrong account number for my tax return what do i need to do so that i can get my refund Reply
Hello. I received part of my refund, but not all of it. I do qualify for the higher education/tuition fees deduction, but it makes no sense to only get part of my refund. If it is because of the delay, would I have gotten a portion of my refund, and the rest will come later? Reply
Like many of you Turbotax has really put me in a jam! It’s not the IRS’ fault. I paid Turbotax to file my taxes and they failed! Just like others commented, I also DID NOT recieve any e-mail for Turbotax stating their error. I only found out because I was due to get my direct deposit TODAY (Feb 11th). Now because of their error, I am panicking! I am set to move out of my old Apt next week, and into my new one next week. Now I don’t have the money to pay the pro-rated rent, 1st month’s rent, electricity deposit, movers fees and much more. When is my check going to be MAILED….February 18th (next friday) does me no good!!!! I don’t know what I’m going to do. When I finally got a hold of someone at Turbotax, they wanted to offer me a free filing for next year! Why would I ever want to do business with them again?! THEY SCREWED UP and I may not have a place to live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reply
Filed with TurboTax on Jan. 23rd with an estimated return date of Feb. 4th. Still no indication when checking the IRS website that they’ve received anything. I get the “We are sorry, we cannot provide any information about your refund.” message. Is this an indication that I am part of the direct deposit to mailed check debacle? If so, I never received an email from TurboTax indicating I was affected. Reply
You guys totally screwed people over by having some stupid computer error and not sending over the bank account info to the IRS. Not only will mine be mailed on Feb 18th but it takes 5 days to get to my house. Thanks a lot now we’ll be celebrating valentines day with top ramen and some Kool aid. I’ve used you for years this sucks. Reply
I am also facing a “processing” delay. Not of my fault. Not really fair at all, but what can I do about it? Reply
Hello I filled through turbo tax and my i was supposed to get it into my account by You should expect your refund of $2,954 less fees of $141.85 to be direct deposited into your account on or around 02/11/2011. Now i get this message on the IRS saying they will mail my check.. Your tax refund is scheduled to be mailed on February 18, 2011. If you do not receive the refund by March 18, 2011, please contact us again. We are unable to take any action until then. is there any way they can direct deposit into my account thanks Karma Reply
I filed 1/14 and TurboTax showed me as Accepted on 1/16. Soon after, IRS gave me a DD date of “by February 1st.” Didn’t happen. I have got a few different messages since, and am now very worried. Latest is Code 8002. I checked back at TurboTax today to find that my refund amount of $8,691 was now showing as only over $6,800 and New York was down about $500 as well. Really strange, as the info is still showing for this year and different than from my 2009 return – AGI, dependents, etc. All but the original refund amount. Anything you can tell me will be much appreciated. I need this refund badly, ASAP, and, I HATE using the phone. Thanks! Reply
Hi Cheryl, Did you have one or more of the following deductions or forms on your return? – Itemized (schedule A form) – Higher Education Tuition and Fees deduction (you or one of your dependents are in college) – Educator Expense Deduction (you are a teacher) If you did, the IRS will not be processing your return until Feb 14. Because of this, they will not show a record of your return until Feb 14, which would explain why you are not seeing it in the IRS Where’s My Refund tool. Hope this helps. Ashley Reply
Hi Chelle, If you did not get notified, it means that your refund is not affected by the delay we mentioned below. The IRS continually updates their estimates of when you can expect your refund. I would check this IRS tool to get an updated date of when to expect your refund:,,id=96596,00.html Hope this helps. Ashley Reply
Hi Michelle, If it has been longer than 10 days and you haven’t received your Refund Card, please call Customer Service at 1-866-963-1620 and select the option to report a card lost, stolen or never received. They should be able to help you out there. Ashley Reply
Hi Carla, Sorry you haven’t received your refund yet. The Feb 4 date that TurboTax gives you, is an estimate based off of IRS estimates. The IRS does update their estimates though and its possible that they are estimating a little longer now. We understand that your refund is important, but once you file there is nothing we can do at TurboTax. It is in the IRS’s hands. Hope this helps. Ashley Reply
I filed on January 28th and Turbo Tax said I would be getting my refund direct deposited into my accound by February 4th…it’s the 8th and I haven’t seen anything yet? Where’s my refund?! I tried to do the things on the IRS website but it said it can’t find my information? I will never use Turbo Tax again. Only HR Block from now on. Reply
I am totally upset with TurboTax for not informing the public regarding their refund delay issue. They knew about the problem and yet allowed us to file with them under FALSE pretences. I also have NOT received any email from TT regarding my refund date AND am also one which the IRS states my tax file does not exist. IT’S BEEN 8 DAYS SINCE FILING WITH TT !!! Reply
TurboTax screws up: E-filers wait for their refunds due to processing error Reply
I also didn’t get my deposit. I filed with TT and had estimated deposit date of Feb 4. Nothing. No email from turbotax about the delay. Can you find out why I didn’t get notified? Reply
i filed my taxes on the 21st of jan and recieved it feb 4 but i never got my turbotax card. i dont want another card because this is ridicoulous. i want to know who i need to talk to about getting my money off a card i cant even get and get it into my bank account. Reply
You all should have used H&R Blcok. It is completely FREE and they didn’t screw up anyone’s tax return causing them a hard ship…… Just sayin’. Reply
Hi Alanea, We are very sorry for the inconvenience and unexpected delay of your refund. You should have received an e-mail from us last week explaining what happened and apologizing for the delay. I will look into why you didn’t. Again, we are very sorry. Ashley Reply
Hi Takiya, A processing error caused TurboTax to not transmit bank information required for direct deposit to IRS. But all other aspects of return were transmitted. This does not affect the accuracy of your return in any way nor the refund amount. Again, very sorry for the inconvenience and unexpected delays. Ashley Reply
HI Anthony, Check out this IRS article. It explains why they would take money out of your refund. Hope it helps. Ashley Reply
I e-file my taxes on Jan 21. they were received and accepted the same day. I opt for direct deposit and I have not received my refund. I went to the IRS website to check the status, but it doesn’t have any information at this time for my refund. So I have no date provided or any information regarding my refund. I even called the number and still no info. So do I have to wait another week, month..??? Reply
I love that TurboTax claims they emailed or directly contacted everyone effected. Thats is NOT true. I was surprised to find my refund had not been issued, and just found out when i went to the IRS website that i was being MAILED a check. I went through all my emails, nothing from TurboTax, Intuit, or santa barbara bank. No phone calls. Nothing. Thanks to TurboTax making this mistake, i will now not only be unable to pay my bills that are due, but i will also have to postpone my sons birthday party. Not to mention that the IRS is saying it will be 3 WEEKS before they even bother to issue my check. Im going to be making some calls at the IRS and see if i can somehow amend my return for direct deposit. We will see. And TurboTax, im still waiting for you to tell me you screwed me over. Reply
turbotax gave me an amount i was getting back after i filed and i didnt get but like half of my federal? please help thanks. Reply
my taxes were rcvd and accecpted 1.22, I was to recieve my refund today 2.4 however I did not. Where;s my refund up until this morning stated it was in process now it says there is no information for me. Did I do something wrong? I am extremely confused and to be honest worried. This is my first year doing it here, and now I am panicing I did something wrong. This is also the year I got the largest refund. Can anyone help me understand?? and what can I do to fix it. If I made a mistake what happens do I just pay back an overpayment or what? Reply
I have been inconvenienced by this direct deposit error as well. I know there is nothing That can be done now, but I would like to know what exactly the error is/was? I am a loyal turbo tax user for over 10 years and this is the first time I have ever been less than satisfied with the service. Reply
Hi Chris G., We are very sorry for the inconvenience and unexpected delay. Yes, your Audit Defense fees will be waived. You will still be covered in the case of an audit. Ashley Reply
I too was stung by the DD bug and am fairly mad. My question is…what about those of us who ordered audit support with our DD will those fee’s be waived as well? or if we do happened to get audited will we find out then that we are not covered. Reply
i was just wondering about this email i got from santa barbara tax group that says You are receiving this email because you used TurboTax to prepare and file your tax return and you requested University National Bank to process your income tax refund and pay your TurboTax user fees from your refund. University National Bank expects to receive your IRS refund on 02/11/2011. Please log on to our Internet site at at that time to check on the status of your refund. but when i put my SSN and everything its says the page does not exist so is this email a scam or what??? cause i wanna know if turbotax gave out my email or anything else or am i just freaking over nothing lol Reply
Hi Heather, We’re aware that some customers who chose to have their refund direct deposited are instead getting their refund by check through the mail. This was our mistake. We’re sorry for the inconvenience and unexpected delay. We are communicating directly with affected customers and of course, we’re waiving all their TurboTax fees. We know that getting your maximum refund back fast is one of the reasons you choose TurboTax. We did not meet that expectation and have taken steps to ensure this doesn’t happen again. Ashley Reply
Hi Krystal, I am sorry you haven’t gotten your refund yet. You can find out when you can expect to get it by going to this IRS tool.,,id=96596,00.html Hope this helps. Ashley Reply
This is the first year I have used turbotax. Never again. My refund was done on the 20th and accepted on the 21st. I chose direct deposit and opted to have the fees taken from my check. I checked the irs website this morning as my refund is supposed to be deposited this Friday and it says my check is going to be mailed next Friday! I call the IRS and they stated there is no evidence in the papers that were filed showing I asked for DD. I called Santa Barbara bank and they said my refund should be deposited this Friday and just don’t worry. So, I call Turbotax and they tell me the IRS must have made a mistake and call them back. I called the IRS back and they said if it is an e-file, they don’t even type in any information from me. It all comes from the forms that turbotax sends. This means, turbotax didn’t include my dd information. I have always used HR block and had no problems. This was a big mistake using turbotax this year! I will never ever use them again! This is absolutely awful! I need this money on Friday and now it will be another 2 weeks or more before I get it. Thanks again, turbotax! Reply
I was supposed to get my refund between the 22-28 and i still have not gotten it. I opted to have mine pit on the card and i can’t track my money or any thing. This is my 2nd year using turbo tax and i do not plan on using it again. Reply
I can see that you put allot of time and effort into your blog and I admire the detailed information that you have been posting. I will bookmark your blog and come back to read for more! Thanks for a great read! Reply
Does anyone have a number for the IRS to get in touch with an actual person? My refund was showing in on “Where’s my Refund” last week as accepted, and said I should receive by June 22…but this week it is not showing up at all, no trace…. Reply
I have error code 1201 on the IRS status. My refund date was around 04/16/2010. I still have not received my return and have had no luck getting in contact with the IRS to see what the hold up is. 1201 seems to be a generic error code. Is there anything you guys can do to assist me with this issue? Thanks, Andy Reply
Hi Readers: Just wanted to let you know that after waiting from Jan 29 until now May 14, that I finally received my direct deposit. Like I told you earlier I was assigned an advocate after calling every week since Jan 29th. Once they assigned me an advocate she called me on April 15, then it took almost another month before she finally got the job done. So keep calling every week. Good luck Reply
I went through that Metabank thing, too, and I was supposed to get my refund on the 30th and didn’t. I don’t know why because of course it’s impossible to contact anyone to ask where my money is. I’m fuming mad and will NEVER use Turbo Tax again. This is the first year I’ve had a problem with them, but this is the IRS and my bank account. Never again. Reply